chapter 1 • sound of silence

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The entire nation was weeping since the sun had rose, signaling the start of the day. Despite being happy that at least a great number of men had survived the tragic war. But most definitely, Steve Trevor was not one of them. Though his sacrifice did change and saved the course of fate of many men and women, he left something equally important to him, Diana.

Diana tried her best to keep it all within for a true Amazon, an Amazon who defeated the great god of war, Ares, would be funny to find crying. Let alone the fact she has learned to love a man. Something her fellow amazons has yet to learn, that being said, something they disapproved of especially her mother, the queen of the amazons, Hippolyta who was fooled once by love. Yet she learned to love again for a different reason though, through her sister Antiope and her very own daughter.

Diana was very silent on the way to the cemetery. Her eyes were teary and her face gave such a natural look that it cannot be determined what she was feeling everytime Etta checked on her. Etta wished she could do something to cheer her up but she knew it was pointless, seeing the occasion today.

As they were fast approaching, Etta wanted to make sure Diana was alright and ready. 

"Diana? " 

"Yes, Etta" Diana replied with a little sterness in her voice.

"Are you sure you want to come? We can go later or tomorrow if you want. Just to give you a little more time to... " Etta cut herself in fear she would saddened Diana more. 

" I'm fine, Etta. Don't worry, I can handle this." she replied with a small smile and hope in her eyes. 

"If you say so. " Etta didn't dare to question her again because Diana's actions all through out the ride was more than enough to tell that she's trying.

While Etta was paying the cab, Diana braced herself for right after she would get out of this cab, she would be facing reality and the idea of Steve still being alive would be buried together with Steve. She was trying real hard not to meltdown, she needed to be strong even though she felt she can't anymore as Steve's sacrifice will not be worth it if she would not be there to keep Earth the peaceful paradise it was as an Amazon.

Her thoughts faded away when Etta called her attention and signaled her to come and follow her. As they were walking to Steve's burial place, she could see the thousands men that had died in the war and the each of there family, friends, and lovers they had left behind. It pains her even more knowing that what she is feeling is also being felt by thousands more.

As they got closer, she got sight of Sameer, Charlie, and the Chief. It made her happy to know they made it especially she knew this was not a place they would go to even for a reason. 

"Diana!" Sameer shouted as he too gained sight of Diana. 

"Sameer. " Diana said with a soft smile. 

"Are you doing fine today?" asked Charlie with genuine care.

Diana's smile faded a bit and she did not wish to answer so she simply countered the question.
"How about you? "

" Well, Steve was good man. He died for a good cause. He definitely deserved better but..." 

"He desereved better but he believed he can do better for the world" Diana finished his sentence while viewing Steve's tombstone. 

Charlie nodded while the Chief said , " Yeah, he's an honorable man" 

" And a good friend" Sameer counteted

Diana's attention drifted off to Sameer. A good friend was something truly Steve was. 

" Yes. He was a good friend." Diana said with a luminous smile. 

" And I bet a good kisser! Right Diana!? " Charlie asked jokingly. 

"Mr. Charlie!!!" Etta scolded Charlie quickly after his words came out of his mouth.

They were all laughing with Charlie's jokes that came right after another one but Diana's attention and thoughts were only focused on Steve but she did bring to herself to smile for Steve Trevor was indeed a good kisser.

End Chapter.

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