chapter 6 • mourning is for everyone

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( New Justice League Comic-Con trailer👆)

*Still in London. Continues right where Chapter 5 left off.


"Yes. Uhm... Steve wrote to us the day before he died. He wrote about what has happened over the past few days and well, he wrote about her. He said that if he would not return, I should hand over this letter to her. Steve stated that he did not want to give to her himself because maybe, if he would live it was too soon." Mrs Trevor said almost choking to her tears while Mr Trevor rubbed her back, comforting her from behind the sofa Etta had just offered just a few seconds ago. "Oh... " Etta reacted mesmerised by all the things happening around her. After about 3 minutes in silence of Mrs Trevor's tears, Mr Trevor dared to continue, " So, we have come here to do my son's last will. So sorry for bothering you, but can you help us, Etta? We trust that you would, of all people, know where she is. " he pleaded. "Of course! Helping you would be certainly a pleasure for me! But..." Etta said as her smile slowly became a frown. "But...? " Mrs Trevor managed to say, suddenly becoming worried. "I'm afraid that Ms Prince is away, back at her home. " Etta said at utmost disappointment. " When will she be back?" Mr Trevor asked quickly. " I do not know sadly, Sir. " Etta replied looking down to the floor. "Do you not know where she lives? Me and My husband could surely fly there, no matter where. " Mrs Trevor countered and her husband nodding to the idea. The hope in Mrs Trevor's eyes just pained Etta even more to say that she did not know where, too. " Sadly, no. She left sailing her own boat and left without word of where her home is and when or even if she will come back even to visit again with confirmation and reassurance..." Etta explained. "...I'm afraid that we have to wait for her. " she continued. Mrs Trevor gasped upon hearing what Etta had just say and started crying even more so. Etta took it to herself and quickly sat beside Mrs Trevor to hugged her and Mrs Trevor responded by hugging her too. " But, we cannot wait for her forever. Accomodation here is very expensive." Mr Trevor said expressing his concern. Then, Mrs Trevor pulled back from the hug, wiped her tears and said, " Etta. We trust you more than anyone right now and so, can you deliver this letter to Ms Prince when she returns from her travel. Ms Prince is the love of my son's life, and so I know, up there in heaven, Steve is praying that it shall get to her." Mrs Trevor asked Etta sincerely, looking to her in the eyes. " Yes I will. It would be my pleasure and I promise she shall receive it, I will try to my full extent." Etta reassured with a serious tone yet a warm smile. Then, Mrs Trevor pulled out the letter from her bag and handed it over to Etta, saying, " This is of paramount of importance. Promise me that you will guard it with your life. We trust you. " she said pulling her into one last hug. "Don't worry I will." Etta reassured with another warm smile. "Thank you. " Mr and Mrs Trevor said in union as they stood up to bid goodbye. "We should get heading out. Wouldn't want to miss our Boat back to Ohio." Mr Trevor said leading Mrs Trevor outside. " I understand. This is goodbye for now. " Etta replied while waving them goodbye.
When the Trevors were like long gone, Etta sat back at her chair near the window, wondering, how in the world will she find Diana? She shakes her worries off because she will find Diana, she has to. If it's the last thing she does.

End Chapter.

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