chapter 4 • from themyscira and back

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Diana early departed late at night the next day. The men made an effort to make sure that they could bid her goodbye which awfully proved thme fact that they had gone really close to her, especially after Steve's death. It was endearing for Diana to know that, they were the only one who knew Steve very well with stories of him that she could listen to a thousand times if the guys would allow it. But she knows it's not time for that, now she needs to tell her Mother everything, everything. Hopefully not including her very intimate moments with Steve.

As the time went on, Diana knew she was much far from Themsycira and found it a good idea to go for sleep especially since she would be set to arrive in Themsycira by dawn and she needs strength to deal with everyone.

Diana laid down and stared at the stars, she knew deep down the Steve was one of those stars guiding her, even how scientifically wrong and impossible it may seem, she knew it. Tears started to flood her eyes. If only. Then things could have been different than it was now. Then she could really know what it is if there are no wars to fight because now, she was fighting a battle and no one can save her from it. It was a war she could not win. She soon closed her eyes savoring her time of peace for the next time she opens her eyes, she will be facing her mother.

Soon as the night faded, hours later, Diana arrived in the gates of Themyscira. As her boat entered it, she could feel the perfect amount of warmth and the lovely breeze. Soon she gained sight of horses and closer she saw her mother and her fellow amazons. Soon, the amazons started to cheer her name in relief that their princess is back safely.

As she stepped on the shore, the amazons came rushing to see her. The first question asked was if she was able to kill Ares, when she answered the amazons silenced. They did not know how to react. Then a voice came "You killed Ares?" the people looked back to see who dared to ask and upon seeing that it was Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, mother of Diana, they give way. "You killed Ares? " She asked again as she droved closer. "Yes. And you lied to me." Diana countered in a tone of unbelief. "Congratulations Diana. Well done, indeed. We'll get heading to the palace to prepare a banquet. We'll leave you two alone for now. " said Naomi, one of the amazons who worked close with Antiope. So soon, it was only Diana and Hippolyta left. "How did you... ?" Hippolyta asked in confusion.
"Well. I don't know. Let's start from the beginning, shall we? You lied to me. My whole life I was blinded by your lies! It would have helped instead of finding out when I'm face to face already with Ares." Diana said with a stern tone.
"I'm sorry. I was protecting you! " Hippolyta reasoned.
"Protecting me from what?!" she asked
"From Ares! The more you know, the sooner he'll find you. "
"But you knew it was my destiny, my fate! Instead of helping me, you let me wander without any sense of I really am. If you cared... " Diana said trying to stop her tears.
" I am sorry, Diana! I should have known better. " Hippolyta pleaded
"You should have. " Diana said wiping her tears away. When she couldn't resist it no more, Diana ran away.


End Chapter.

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