chapter 12 • we walk the line

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"Come this way, my child. Sit down." Hippolyta replied blankly, not even lookng at Diana.
This awfully scares Diana as she has never seen her mother this way. Not even during war, she presumes basing on what her Amazon sisters had told her. Its as if her Hippolyta has seen the angel of Death or as if she was watching Antiope die all over again.
"What is it, Mother? What has lost your enthusiasm these days?"
Diana reached for Hippolyta's hand and held it tight as a sign of understandimg affection. Hippolyta looked up at her, tears escaping her eyes. She gently pulled her hands away from Diana's and reached for the golden plate holding a clearly read letter. Placing it in between her and Diana, she wistfully looked at Diana, pushing it towards her.
"Read it."
"What? Why? What is this?"
Diana asked, bombarding her with questions as she held the delicate piece of paper.
"Just read it."
That was all Hippolyta could manage to say back. Diana read it intently. "Tens, nearly 50 dead? Why? How? Who could do such?" Diana murmured loudly in aghast. Hippolyta kept silent.

When Diana reached the most important part of that damned letter, she dropped it at the table, standing up.
"No. No! Im not going back there, no. Let them solve their own problems, let them figure it out, let them find a different hero- for all I care, just... no." Diana argued. Hippolyta sighed, "Why?".
"Why what?!" Diana sighed annoyed.
"What happened to my Diana? What happened to the Diana who insisted to help those in war? What happened to the Diana who believed? For god's foresaken! This is why I didnt wanna tell you that you have to go back there! You let that man's death forbid you from... from.." Hippolyta sighed, cutting herself for she knows she went way to far.
"No mother - don't you dare bring Steve into this and don't you dare assume he is the only reason why." Diana retorted.
"Then why?"
Diana held her head high up, intently looking at her mother.

"If I walk the line and I do go back there.. what happens next? Huh, ? I will live to see millions dead before me and I will see my friends, dead and wasted. But what about me? Alive and Well. Do you have any idea how it feels to be the one left alone -alive to mourn what is dead? For god's sake! I rather be dead because seeing them dead? Makes me feel guilty to be alive."

Hippolyta stood up and walk towards the door but before so, she left Diana with words to reflecf upon;

"Stop mourning, Diana. What is done is done. Let the past die, kill it if you have to©. You may not feel lucky to be alive but others, they want to be lucky to be alive. Serve them justice, fight with them, and save their day.
Give them reason to live for tomorrow.
Give them the chance. For the past deaths of these past heroes are useless if others won't live to enjoy it."

End Chapter.

Author's Reminder

The line above: "Let the past die, kill it if you have to" belongs to the writers of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, director Rian Johnson, and Disney. Moreover, I do not own the line and the aforementioned people above has all rights to it. I do not own the line. That statement on my text belong to those people.

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