chapter 5 • curiosity killed the cat

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DIANA'S CHEEKS BURNED AS HOT TEARS STREAMED DOWN HER CHEEKS. She loved her mother dearly but her lies were not to be ignored, of all people it was her mother who had to lie to her. Of all people. Diana now regrets coming back so soon but now she's here and there's no turning back.

Diana braced herself as she got closer to the palace. She knows that she's about to be bombarded by questions starting of to where it all began which happens to be Steve Trevor. She sincerely hopes that no one asks her about that. Not that Steve deserves to be forgotten.

As Diana was fast approaching the palace, she wiped her tears and put on an awarding winning smile, she breathed heavily and sighed as she opened the door and walked inside. As she got in sight of the amazons they all started cheering and screaming her name. Diana gave a sweet smile that almost hid all the anger and sadness only within her. A girl slightly shorter than all the other girls came piercing through the crowd going towards Diana, as she gained sight of her she screamed "Diana! Diana! It's me! Veda! ".
As Diana saw her and the two other girls behind her, she jumped and screamed "Oh my god! Veda! Gabriella! Andromeda!"

Veda, Gabriella, and Andromeda were Diana's childhood bestfriends. They helped each other on their journeys to becoming amazons and when Diana went to the Man's Land, they were the people next to Hippolyta who worried the most about her.

Veda was the clumsiest but was the happiest among them. She always wore a smile no matter what. Though it took time for her to be an official Amazon but she got there. Next was Gabriella, she was the fiercest and strongest fighter, after Diana of course, among them. She was the first to become an Amazon because of this. And one thing that she was known for is that she never misses. Lastly was Andromeda, she is the cleverest and wisest among them. She was equally good in training but she was definitely better in war craft and because of this she holds a high position among the Amazons of warcraft.

Each of them holds a piece of Diana's heart. Diana treated them as her very own sisters and trusts them more than anyone right now, really. That being said, they are the only one she's comfortable and wanting to talk to about things like Steve.

"Aren't you gonna hug us?" asked the one of the girls behind Veda. "Of course, Gabriella! " said Diana with a luminous smile. "Group Hug! " screamed Veda as they pulled into a tight hug. "We missed you Diana. " the other girl said with a smile. "I know Andromeda. Me too. " Diana countered.

After the feast, the squad (Diana, Andromeda, Gabriella, and Veda) decided to catch up with each other in Diana's room. After hours and hours of talking, Veda asked a question that Diana dreaded to answer the most. " So, what happened with this I'm a spy, Steve Trevor?". Then suddenly the whole room turned silent with Diana's eyes slightly tearing up. "Oh..." Diana replied and when she finally paced she continued, " Steve Trevor was a good man, a very good man. Decent, honorable, charming.." Diana smiled but the smile faded a way as she continued, " But he did not make it. As I told you, he loved me dearly and he left me that watch" Diana said breaking into tears. " Oh Diana! " said Veda reaching out to a hug. " It's okay Diana. " Gabriella added. " He fought a war that he knew he couldn't win." Andromeda said lastly.


*Meanwhile in New York City

It was gloomy day for London today. It was raining very hard and there's a lot of fog enough to leave you sighting nothing at all. That day, Etta was expecting nobody today. So she took it to herself to be cozy and let the chores be done another day. While Etta was sitting on a chair by the window, watching the rain till it wearys out. Then suddenly, she heard a loud knock, Etta wondered who it was. She stood up, quickly straightened her dress and walked towards the door. Etta opened it, to her surprise, it was Mr and Mrs Trevor. " Oh
Mr and Mrs Trevor! Long time no see! What do I owe to this pleasure?" Etta bubbly greeted. Mr and Mrs Trevor smiled at her and " Hello Etta! It's been a long time. But now we need your help... " Mr Trevor said. " What is it? " Etta asked in concern. " Do you know who and where Diana Prince is? " Mrs Trevor said. A puzzeled Etta replied, "Diana Prince? "

End Chapter.

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