chapter 7 • killing two birds with one stone

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*Back in Themyscira, during the Night

THERE WAS NOT MUCH YOU CAN DO WHEN THE SUN RETREATS AND THE MOON RISES IN THEMYSCIRA. Several Amazons had retreated to their homes, preparing Supper and heading to bed.

Hippolyta, who was very much tired from all the training and meetings with her fellow Senator Amazons all day, was
still waiting for her daughter so that they may eat supper together, in high hope that Diana would be open to communicate as Diana had completely shut her out of her life, not that Hippolyta would blame her. She admits that what she has done was not called for and absolutely evil but she, as far as she's concerned, is protecting, the then naive, Diana but with all her efforts, no improvement. Still there were hope in her eyes.

Hippolyta sighed as she heard the door to her room open. She had hoped that maybe it was a helper that went to say word that Diana was waiting for her already in the dining room. " Yes? Had Diana arrived already?! " Hippolyta said with a smile of hope. "I'm sorry, my queen. The princess has yet to arrive, I am only here to deliver a letter." the Helper said, hating to ruin the queen's moment if happiness. Upon hearing this, Hippolyta's smile faded into a frown. She wanted to cry but she still managed, " Oh... it's fine. From who was the letter sent from?" Hippolyta said, trying to keep it all in. " Sorry, my queen but it does not state who or where it came from. It was found at the footstep of the castle with only your name written in it. I brought it to myself to ask all the helpers, guardians, and Amazon trainees stationed here at the palace, at the time it was found but no one witnessed the arrival of the letter.. it remains to be quite a mystery, my queen. " the Helper respectfully said. Hippolyta was curious about the letter and the details of its origin, more so it's content. Hippolyta eyes lingered long at the letter's packaging. The letter had a gold colored envelope packaging with a print of her name at the back front of the envelope. The print was definitely handwritten with a very familiar script to Hippolyta. Curious, Hippolyta was. How did such letter come to Themyscira? But one was sure, it came from someone from Olympus for only a letter from Olympus could reach Themyscira. But the question was - from whom? Quickly, Hippolyta's eyes drifted off to the Helper and sensed that he had other important duties to fulfil before the night ends, she said, "Thank you Rosemary. Don't worry about the origins of the letter, you have only done your duty to deliver it to me. Off you go to your duties, the night will be long. Just remember to inform me when the princess is ready for Dinner. " she said with half hearted smile and authority. "I will, my queen. Thank you for your time." she said bowing, handing over the letter to Hippolyta. Before she could close the doors to Hippolyta's quarters, Hippolyta asked her one more thing, "One last thing before you head off, do you have knowledge on her Diana could be this late?" she asked in worry. "I believe that the princess is in the training grounds with her friend, Lady Gabriella." the Helper, Rosemary said. Hippolyta sighed in relief, shaking of her worries. She nodded with a Mona Lisa smile, dismissing Rosemary. Once Rosemary closed the door, Hippolyta grabbed the letter from her study table, where Rosemary had placed it and she studied the letter for awhile, but as she was about to open the package, a Helper knocked at her door. Still holding the letter, "Yes? You may enter." she ordered. "Sorry to interrupt you, Queen Hippolyta but Rosemary had instructed to send a word to you that Princess Diana has arrived to eat supper. Though - she informed her helper to inform the kitchen that she would be getting cleaned up and dressed properly first before all. " the Helper said. Upon hearing such Hippolyta smiled and happiness filled her eyes, a little more and she would have almost squealed but she was able to manage and stop herself from doing so. "That's wonderful news. Tell her that I would be down in a moment." Hippolyta said. Quickly, the helper bowed to exit so that she may do what was told of her to do but before the helper may do so, the helper remembered to inform the Queen additional information. "My Queen, I forgot to include but the Princess' friends would be dining in the Palace tonight." the Helper added, while bowing. Hippolyta nodded and the helper soon disappeared.

Hippolyta hesitated on whether or not she should read her letter at the moment or let it pass and read it tomorrow. She debated for a long time but she figured that maybe Diana and her friends are already long waiting for her so she stood from her bed, straightened her robes and tightened the belt, and fixed her hair. She decided that reading the letter is a time for another day and what was important now was reconnecting with her daughter and as well as catching up with Diana's friends, not that she wasn't communicating or updated with them, whatsoever. She wore her slippers and walked toward a golden chest, she opened it and placed it inside, closing the chest with a lock, securely. Hippolyta went out of her room and fast walked to the dinning room. As she arrived the guards opened the large doors, leading to a very small, compact room, decorated and painted with gold and dark room. There was a golden table with comfy chairs attached to wall, for it was a really small dining room where the Royal Amazons (Hippolyta, Diana, and before she died, Anyone) would dine only in private, at the tip end of the square table there was a Golden, shell like center piece beneath there was a, still, attached to the well comfy chair cushions, where only Hippolyta could sit or if Hippolyta is not present, Diana or before, Antiope.

When Hippolyta arrived she sat there while Diana sat to her right and her friends sitting to the left. When Hippolyta sat down and got comfortable, she greeted them "Good evening" with a warm smile. Veda, Gabriella, and Andromeda greeted her same and then thanked her for having them tonight. To Hippolyta's surprise, Diana simply replied with "Hello Mother. " but Hippolyta's not going down without effort. "So, how are you today? "

End Chapter.

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