chapter 10 • something arising

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*Meanwhile, in London

Time flew by but not the worries it provided. A certain curly red head wandered in the streets of London, making her way to the tallest building in sight. "There it is! 23 Sky Corporate Center!" Etta exclaimed as she walked up to the doorway. She stopped and sighed before opening the two gigantic glass doors. "Ma'am, may I help you?" the receptionist asked as Etta made her way to the reception. "Uh.. I'm looking for Mr. Spencer Lewis." Etta said, trying to appear confident. "So you must be Etta Candy, the new hire." the receptionist said, giving her a judgemental glare. "Yes, I am." Etta responded with a smile. "Then follow me. You have an awful lot to learn before you meet Mr. Lewis.." the receptionist said but towards the end of her sentence, she mumbled. "Pardon?" Etta asked, "Ah.. I said follow me quickly, we'll be having a long day." the receptionist quickly said. "Oh." Etta replied.

They walked past many offices to the top floor, all of them glaring at Etta in a judgemental way. Etta tried to ignore it but something was definitely up, maybe. Either way, This is Etta's second job in her entire life, being Steve's secretary as her first job, so she better keep it till the end, hopefully.

"Okay, Miss Candy....Miss Candy...Miss Candy." the receptionist repeated trying to get Etta's attention who was obviously caught up with her thoughts. "Oh! Sorry! I was just thinking.." Etta said. "Hm...anyways. This would be your office, your lucky because it's spacious and more..well.. luxurious than ours...perks of being Mr. Lewis' secretary but with all these, comes great responsibility and stress. Mr. Lewis wants everything to be in an excellent manner..and when I say in everything, I mean everything. From your work, to your work place, to your demeanor and even down to your looks and words, everything. Keep that in mind..." the receptionist said but was cut off when the ringer ringed, "Christabel, I accept all documents to be on my desk and a cup of tea placed on my desk in 3 minutes, I'm on my way to my office."
Then suddenly, the receptionist, who was said to be as Christabel, panicked. "Mr. Lewis is on his way! Everything is on his desk already, I wish you good luck and I pray there wouldn't be a seventh fire.." Christabel exclaimed, walking inside the lift, "See you, Etta." she waved as the lift closed and went down. "Seventh Fire?" Etta subconsciously said in confusion. Then suddenly, the lift opened and Mr Lewis' was now walking towards Etta. "You must be Etta Candy! Greetings, greetings. I am Mr. Lewis, your new boss obviously. Though I am sad to hear that your previous boss, Mr Trevor had passed." Mr. Lewis said. "Wait, how did you know about Steve Trevor?" Etta blurted out. "Oh, there are a lot you don't know about me, Ms Candy." he murmured in his British accent. "Pardon?" Etta asked trying not to sound offensive but she didn't quite catch what he said.

"Nothing, Ms Candy. Please sit down, you have a lot to know first." Mr Lewis shrugged off, offering Etta a seat on front of his desk.

End Chapter.

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