chapter 14 • mad world

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"All around me are familiar faces

Worn out places, worn out faces

Bright and early for their daily races

Going nowhere, going nowhere

Their tears are filling up their glasses

No expression, no expression

Hide my head, I wanna drown my sorrow

No tomorrow, no tomorrow "

Diana ran. She doesn't know where or until when but heaven knows that wherever she may go, whatever direction she goes, whatever course she takes, whatever she does, it will lead to nowhere. Nowhere, not referring to no place, as the dictionary defines it as, but to nowhere, as in the absence of any sense of familiarity to everything that has been familiar. Here we have the same characters, the same setting, and god knows, maybe, even the same story. Yet, it seems that Diana feels as if she is in the middle of nowhere. But soon, Diana shall have to know what one does when faced with the truth and that doing so is more difficult than it seems. Unfortunately, she is faced with this the hard, long, and selfish way and now, she will never be the same.

So, she stops running. She turns away and faces back, wiping her tears doing so. Once she thought that she can face war with tears in her face, but that's not how it goes, you must dry your eyes first for it will be a long night. When the war is done, that's when you weep, for what you have lost and for what you have gained and achieved. She was wrong. She thought that the war was over just because she couldn't hold back those tears. Though, who won't blame her? It's been a long night for her. But yet again, her war was just about to begin. For war isn't simply always fighting against another evil but fighting you're own evils, because that will help you win it.

Diana walks. For now, she has fought those lingering evils, she now knows her mission. One that maybe is less important than the ones it come for her, but it is one that will always come along the way, forever. Her mission is like every hero's mission. To fight, to save, and to love mankind, so that maybe one day, they may see the best in themselves. And that would maybe the light that will drive away the dark in one's self.

Diana goes to her room, wears her gold, blue, and red coat of arms armour, her Lasso of Hestia, and her new sword, a sword that will not fight evil but a sword that will save what she loves, and lastly her late aunt's tiara. Her mother once instructed to make sure that she is worthy of it and now more than ever, she is.

She climbs up the tower to the rooftop, unnoticeable. She debates on whether to give her mother and sisters a fellow word before departing. But she figures that there is no such need. They know where she had gone off and why. They know it is her duty and legacy and that no can forbade her from living up to it. For she will be no one but just an amazonian princess without her duty. Diana stood still on the top, looking up to the stars, silently praying that she may find her way again, "Go, my dear. Do not fret, the stars synchronised with the beating of your heart will lead you back. I love you, my dearest Diana." Diana turned around and saw her beloved mother and nodded. "Remember, Diana. In the world of mortals, you are a Wonder Woman."

She leaped from the tower, perfectly landing on the ground, at the ready.

Some would say that this has been the rise of a new hero

and from that moment on she would be known as

Wonder Woman.


As this book is nearing to it's end, I am quite joyed to say that I have finally written the end to one of the fundamental plots I have wanted to present in this trilogy (yES, thiS bOOK aiN't tHE eND yET!) which is that we have here, in my book, is the fall and rise of a new and improved Wonder Woman. That being said, with Diana's rise and return would also be the rise of a new darkness which will be written in the next chapter and continued in the sequel (lol, i thiNK yALL knoW whO).

I am extremely proud of this chapter I've written and personally, I think it's the best I've written so far. Speaking of which, if you may have noticed I have included some lines and scenes in parallel to the ones in the original Wonder Woman series-es and of course, the 2017 adaptation. Now, those scenes and lines belong to DC and the writers of Wonder Woman, and not to me ( I only used about 2 only though). Also, the title of this chapter, Mad World, and the lyrics as seen above refers to the song written/sung by Gary Jules and Michael Andrews. Again, it doesn't belong to me, but to the aforementioned writers/singers. I will also be using for the next chapter, Chapter 15: Mad World pt.2, whenever that will be (lOL I HoPE iLL fEEL iNSpirEd like tomOrRow).

PS. I've left a clue about the plot of our next villain. it's subtle but once you read it, I think y'all be able to figure out what I'm trying to write. Here's a hint on where to find it;

It's in every chapter page but it's not in the story itself. Also, if you've been here till the very beginning, then you'll see that it has just be in applied recently!

Comment down below if you've found it! But don't spoil though! Taking it down when I'll be posting the next chapter and who knows, I could be updating a year from now (jK jK oFC nOT)

PS. Have you seen the new cover?!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2018 ⏰

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