chapter 9 • sinners

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and everyone had already retreated to sleep but one girl, wearing a black cape, thinking it would hide the sins she had made, was wide awake, wandering. Curious, it was. The chilly breeze followed through her the town, tracing away the people to avoid suspicion. The chill followed it's way to a dark alley, in between two lonely buildings, and there the girl stopped cautiously for a moment. She look behind her to see if someone followed her, looked to the left to see if someone saw her, looking at the right to see if someone was in earshot, and looked ahead her to see if he was there. And at a simple stare, she saw a devious smile in broad darkness. She walked in a little bit further and saw the figure of the man. Quickly she dropped to her knees, but it appears that she is bowing from a far. "My dear, how are you doing today?" the man asked, breaking the monopoly of silence. With that, quickly, the girl stood and stepped backwards a bit. "My.. master.. " the girl mumbled, shaking, not because of the weather but of the atmosphere of fear. "Answer, dear girl!" the man, who she referred to as master, bellowed impatiently. The girl fidgeted even more and shaked uncontrollably, "I'm my..yy.. master.. rr" the girl managed to let out. "Good." the girl's master said, satisfied. "Now, have you done what is asked of you? " the man asked calmly. "..n..o" the girl answered, choking in her tears. "And why is that! " the man said, lifting his arms and triggering an energy of power to scare her
but he stopped midair. The girl,attempting to backaway, fell to the ground, finally breaking into tears, unable to give an answer. "ANSWER ME! " the man yelled again, causing the girl to cry harder. "I..M... SOR.. R.. R.. Y" the girl accidentally screamed away. The man stood forward, "That's it?! I'm sorry! You pathetic little girl! " the man said. Finally the girl got up, wiped her tears and stood brave. "I'm sorry. I was not able to get a good chance. To steal it from Hippolyta." she said, rephrasing her sentences and proving her worth. The man nodded, satisfied. "But word has it that Hippolyta and Diana has a feud. We have still have time to act. So far, there are no rumors of Diana travelling back to the Man's Land anytime soon." the girl reported, trying her best not to break into tears. "Good. How about the letter? " the man asked. "Um.. I.. wasn't able to get it. The Palace guards were alert and I wouldn't want to risk. But I will get it. Give me 2 days. 2 days is all I need." the girl reassured confidently. "Good. Very Good. I expect better of you. I will give you 2 days." the man said impressed. All the girl managed to do was force out a smile. "Thank you, Sir. Sorry for my brief incompetence." the girl apologized to her master. "Now, now. All is well. Just go do what you are needed to do. " the man said. "You may go. I will see you in two days." the man added. Quickly, the girl bowed and walked out fast.

The girl walked fast out. The girl feared of what would happen to her but she let out a deep sigh. She shakes the fear off and head on to the cold night.

The girl's name was Gabriella.

End Chapter.

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