chapter 11 • upside down

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* 2 months later in the Man's Land

It was another day in London, but closer to the scene, London was a wreck. The government is facing internal problems, people have no jobs, students can't go to school, families grieving, and a mystery in the corner.

And Etta Candy was walking by the street when she saw a newsstand;

23 Murders in less than 8 hours.

A family murdered in Queen's Drive

Explosions in a old abandoned Warehouse

below it was a newspaper that read; "Witness: "I saw a monster, a demon by the old abandoned warehouse" It caught her attention and Etta urged to read it.

Last night, a witness claimed sighting a so called Monster by the old abandoned warehouse in Queen's Drive the same night the Cooper Family murder happened, could it have been this caused by the said phenomenon.
"There was a monster.. a demon.. an angel of death. It was large and hideous, It.. was.. holding a man wearing Metal Gear. It came out from a fire of ring, then I saw it murder the family investigating the sounds from their backyard.. I've never seen a demon like that."
The man, who is known to be Jack Piper, is now talking to Authority over the said matter.


Goodness Gracious.." Etta mumbled under her breath. She stood there, quite and confused, thinking. How can such evil happen? If and if only Diana's beliefs were correct, killing Ares would rid evil from Man but how could have this still happened?

"Ma'am, may I help you, ma'am..." the newsstand lady asked. Etta was so lost that she didn't realize how long she has been standing there, staring at the series of articles. "How much is this? " Etta asked impatiently. " 5 Euros" Etta quickly grabbed money that she had swept away in her pocket, have it to the lady, and started running as fast as she can for she was almost late. But, under her breath she managed to remind herself; "Find Diana. Find Diana. We need her. Again. "

*Back in Themyscira, supper time

It was only during supper that families came together and spend time to dine and unwind with family after a long day but that wasn't the case for Diana's household. Supper was an open opportunity for problems to well.. be problems. It's safe to say that Diana's plate has never been quite filled with food but rather filled with problems. Problem after problem after problem, Diana could almost explode but quietly, Diana, by a bit only, is thankful for these
problems. Why? Well, to Diana, they give her an opportunity to feel human. But there was something about tonight that made her feel that tonight will go fine. Well, not long. Especially right when her blonde mother entered the hall. Her spine suddenly chilled and....

Wicked this way comes.

End Chapter.

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