chapter 8 • watching it burn

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Hippolyta asked Diana, remembering the same lines her, then, young daughter uttered as when she catched her as young Diana was falling off the cliff, a result from running and hiding away from her Tutors. Good thing Hippolyta was there to catch her. Hippolyta couldn't help to smile at the thought of the memory.

"Oh.. nothing interesting, really. " Diana said in sarcasm. "How about you? Who have you've been lying to recently?" she added in a bad tone. Quickly after Diana's words were heard, Veda, who was seated right across Diana, kicked her feet and Diana responsively said "WHAT?!" in a obviously annoyed tone. Veda glared at Diana, head pointing towards the queen while Andromeda and Gabriella glared at her. "Now, I'm not permitted to ask my mother such question? I believe I'm asking something in lined with the truth. Nothing more. Don't tell me that you have forgotten what she has done to me, lied to be exact." Diana reasoned with unwanted sarcasm. And with what she had just said, Andromeda and Gabriella gave her a disappointed look while Veda reached to comfort Hippolyta. Hippolyta felt like a dagger, of which was Diana's, her very own daughter's words, was pierced right through her heart, leaving her heart bathed in blood. Nothing and nothing more could pain her even more. Sadness burned Hippolyta's eyes, forcing unwanted tears to cover every centimeter of her eyes. Soon enough Diana excused herself from Dinner. Hippolyta wanted to scream and beg her to stay but she felt that one movement of her eyes and her forced frozen tears will melt in despair to be free and so she forced herself to nod, allowing her to leave.

When Diana was nearly out of sight and earshot, the three, untimely, guests went over to Hippolyta and hugged her, attempting to comfort her. And with their much felt love and care, Hippolyta tears fell. This was the daughter like love she missed from Diana. "It's okay, Aunt Hippolyta." Veda comforted. "I'm sure that Diana's mind wasn't in its proper place at the moment." Gabriella added. "Diana is a sensible lady, Ma'am. She knows what's right and true and what's wrong and false. She will come back the minute that she realizes that she was quite an arse a while ago." Andromeda wisely said. Hippolyta took in their words and she thought that maybe they were right. Maybe Diana's mind wasn't quite in place tonight maybe Diana was just led away at the moment. Maybe, just maybe that they were right.

After a few minutes of the girls comforting presence, Hippolyta manage to let out a few words. "Thank you girls for understanding both me and Diana, your presence is very delightful especially at times like this. Speaking of which, I'm very sorry that you were here to see that." Hippolyta apologized "No, really.. It's fine. " Gabriella reasoned.

After a few minutes, Hippolyta pulled out of the hug and said, "I really appreciate you girls staying here but it's getting very late and we should get to sleep, the helpers will be preparing guest rooms for you since its very dark for you travel back home. Do continue eating, if you want more food, the helpers will be happy to cook for you on behalf of me. If you will, please do excuse me." Hippolyta said, standing up. Upon the nod of the girls, Hippolyta left the Dining Room very soon.

As Hippolyta made her way to her room, she passed by Diana's room. She fidgeted around, contemplating on whether or not she should knock and talk to her privately, to ask her what's her problem. Soon enough, she decided to at least say sorry for her actions. When she was about to knock, Diana opened the door. She saw Diana crying and she wondered why, she never really saw her cry. "Diana.. why are you crying?" Hippolyta asked her in much concern. Then quickly, Diana pulled her into a hug.

"Mother.. I'm very sorry."

End Chapter.

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