chapter 13 • hell bound

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She prayed and prayed over to the Gods, to help her make a decision, fast. Tens to hundreds of people may be dead every minute she delays. Maybe the Gods can send someone else to do the job because why does it have to be necessarily her, Diana thought. But a part within Diana knows that she must do it for it is her mission in this world, forever.

Lost in a limbo of thoughts,
Diana swore she was just sitting there in meditation for hours and hours. She figured that she should head back home soon or else her mother would start to worry. Just as Diana was about to walk towards home, she felt a disturbance around her - something.. no, someone.
Diana looked left, right, left, right but she couldnt just really extinguish or calculate where this someone is headed. Will this someone attack her or is this someone just off to run some errands. Which if you ask Diana, it was very suspicious to do some errands when its really really dark already.

"Show yourself."
Diana commanded. But no reply.

"As the Princess of Themyscira, daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons, I command you. Show yourself."
Yet she heard nothing still.
Who dare defy her?

Then she heard a devious, cold laugh. Diana was almost frightened to whom this someone is. If this person is here to attack her, Diana feared that she is in a disadvantaged point for at the moment, she has no armour at all. Not even her gauntlets.

"I will no longer bow down to you Diana. For years and years, I was reprimanded to fight along side with you for his advantage. To learn more about you, to see what will break and what will make you. But I had enough. If he refuses to kill you now, I wont hesitate."
a girl hissed, Diana felt as if she has heard that voice before, it was all too familliar.

The girl then took a step forward to assault Diana but Diana quickly slid to the side, knocking off the girl to the grass. Just as the girl was to stand to fight back, horses were heard approaching.
"Diana! Are you hurt?" Hippolyta bellowed, fast approaching Diana. Soon 5 other horses approached.
The lamps brought light in the dark, revealing Gabriella to be the girl cloaked. "Gabriella..?" Diana gasped, refusing to believe that her bestfriend would assault her like this.
Gabriella is a soldier, an amazon, a woman of honor and loyalty.
But. .. why?

"By the Order of the Amazonian Govern and in the name of Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons, you, Commander Gabriella of the Amazons is hereby arrested for High Treason. The Queen shall decide upon your case."
General Andromeda proclaimed, gesturing the Guards to capture Gabriella who was still on the grass, tearing up in pain.

Even Andromeda was shocked that her bestfriend was a traitor for whatever reason. Andromeda wished to hear Gabriella's reason first but as the newly appointed General, she cannot let her emotion to cloud her judgement especially cloud her from immedietly capturing a traitor who dare assault the Princess, therefore dare to defy the Queen.

The Guards immedietly grabbed Gabriella from the grass, tightly gripping onto her. As they ushered her away, Gabriella resisted.

"Don't you think that locking me up will mean that the idea of death ends. Because it will not. Hell will always be on your tail, Diana. Its what makes you human. You are no God. No matter what inch of Godly adourned blood you have stucked up in your veins. The very fact that you were bourn from the Earth's sand makes you pay for the price all men pay, being binded to go to hell, no escape.
You are hell bound, Diana."

Diana was baffled by what Gabriella had just said but Andromeda and Hippolyta just looked emotionless, just stone faced with eyes tearing up.

"That's enough! Take her away, now."
General Andromeda commanded.

"I'll be handling this myself, your majesty. I'll be handing over peleminary details as soon as the sun raises.
Please excuse me, your majesty, and I must head back."
Andromeda bowed, riding her horse back.

Hippolyta murmured trying to calm her.

"No.. just..don't." Diana said, her voice cracking up. She wiped her tears and ran back to the castle.

At this point, Diana couldn't even trust herself anymore.

End Chapter.

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