chapter 3 • too many questions

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"UHM, EXCUSE ME, DO I KNOW YOU?" the man said as he turned around to Diana.
"But.. I thought you were.. " Diana said in confusion. She paused in disbelief, she sworn that the man was Steve even how impossible it seemed to be. For a brief moment, she was happy, the thought of Steve alive, it enlightened her no matter how impossible it was. "I'm sorry.. I thought you were someone.." before Diana was able to finish her sentence, Etta cut her off "Diana! There you are! Who's this man? "
"No one." she replied to Etta and looked at the man and said "I'm sorry." The man said "It's fine " as he slipped out of the crowd. "What happened?" Etta asked
"Nothing. " Diana replied.

As Diana and Etta made way back to Etta's apartment, Diana realized that she needs a break. She's as human as everyone and she is tired, tired very much. She just defeated the great evil, Ares and stopped a World War. She deserves a break. Especially with Steve dead, she doesn't know how to move on or even what to do. She needs her guiding star from the very beginning, her mother, Hippolyta.

As soon as they arrived at Etta's flat, Etta and Diana went to their rooms to change and rest, then Etta would cook a meal for the both of them. As Diana went to the showers, she thought of the idea coming home. Can she really face facing her mother after leaving against her will? She thought, maybe or maybe not but at least she was able to succeed in her mission. That was one thing that is going to spare her from shame. But a question lingered her mind. Will her mother be angered by the fact she has loved a man? After the crimes men had long committed against the Amazons and her mother included. It pained her just to imagine the look in her mother's face when she tells her that she had love a man and had given her first kiss. It was awful. Yet, she cannot hide, at least not forever. She needs to do this. Immediately.

Soon after, she got dressed and went out of her room. She saw that Etta was already preparing their meal. "Etta? " Diana mumbled like a child. "Yes? " Etta replied not looking at Diana and focused at the food. "Etta, I need to go home already. I will just pay a visit to my mother and fellow Amazons and share good news to them, as well as my adventures here. I hope you understand me and I hope you'll still be here as I return and accomadate me." Diana sincerely explained. " Of course! I understand. I will contact the Chief for a boat and to assist you. " Etta happily offered. "Oh thank you! " Diana exclaimed with a brilliant smile. "Just promise me you will come back, I love having company around. " Etta pleaded.
"Don't worry I will."

End Chapter.

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