chapter 2 • ice cream's a knocker

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Etta didn't really intend to stay very very long but Diana wished to stay a little longer after the other men left and she feared that Diana be lost or worst without her and as her friend, she wants to be there with her and so she stayed.

After awhile Diana rose from her chair and without knowing Etta stayed to wait for her, she asked with a reassuring smile "Etta, would you like to stay a little more? I'm fine with leaving though."  Etta quickly got up and said "No! No! I'm fine. Let's go?! "
"Well... if your sure, then yes. " Diana said.
"Then, off we go! " Etta said quickly as she led Diana away politely in fear she would change her mind.
"I'm really famished right now. What would you like to eat, Diana? " Etta asked as she tried to fetch a cab for the both of them.
" Ice Cream! " Diana squealed with excitement for the first time since the death of Steve. So surly must Etta give it to her.

**Time Gap: Diana and Etta arrives in the Ice Cream Parlor. **

" This is where we'll get Ice Cream? " Diana asked as she looked around at the bright light display. " It looks too... fancy and the designs are very... intricate"
"Well, they do have the best Ice Cream around town. Uhm.. Steve used to bring me some on my birthday. So I guess it would be nice for me to bring you here in his place..." Etta said.

Diana gasped as she learned that Steve ate Ice Cream here. She could imagine Steve lining up the long lines, waiting for his Ice Cream. And she imagined maybe how Steve would eat his Ice Cream and his smile after tasting the delicious delicacy. Yet despite the beautiful idea of it, she unconsciously started to imagine what it may have been if he survived, if he was able to bring her there himself, if he was able to.... the idea pained her all the way more. So many "what if's" and "if only's" unanswered which only set Diana's heart into an internal flame. But she knows that she has no time wondering for the earth still needed her, now more than ever.
Diana was so lost in her thoughts that she did not notice Etta call for her from far away. " Diana! Diana! " Etta said kind of bellowing. "Oh... Yes!? " Diana snapped back to reality. "What flavor you want? " Etta asked "Flavor? " Diana asked in confusion. "Oh...uh... Flavor... Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry.. What do you want? " Etta said trying her best to explain the meaning. "Oh, you mean the taste? " she said trying to puzzle it all out. "Yes! " Etta replied in relief as she didn't need to try to explain further more. Diana looked at the Menu and asked "What is Chocolate?"
"Oh Chocolate! My favorite! It's color brown and it tastes perfect and sweet and it goes with anything... yeah." Etta explained in absolute delight. "Its brown huh? Is it Feces or just dirt? " she asked while smiling in confusion. "Goodness Gracious No! It's made of cocoa." Etta explained in disgust. "If you say so."
she said smiling as if Etta was lying, of which she really believed she was lying.
"I'll go with Vanilla"
"Well then, I'll go order wait here. " Etta said as soon enough she disappeared in the crowd lining up for ice cream.

Diana looked around the room, still wondering and clueless about the world of men. She still knew so little. Diana looked out in the window behind her and saw a man about Steve's height. He had a certain familiar dirty blonde, same skin color and the same color of clothes as Steve, the last time she had seen him. When Diana realized such, she ran out and ran to place she had seen the man.

As she got closer, "Steve? "

End Chapter.

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