Without me

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So feels maybe? This will be my first ever oneshot and feels story....i hope its alright.......enjoy!!!

Tom's POV

I was sitting on the couch cuddling with my boyfriend. We were 'watching' tv when the news poped on."Local Teen was killed yesterday by a unknow killer that has be roaming around the streets"The news guy coutined "If you know who this person is then please con-" I turned off the tv and looked at Tord. This is the 4th time this week. Tord gave me a nervous simle.I rolled my 'eyes' and went back to cuddling him. He pretty much killed anyone who flirted with me or gave me there number. His a pretty jealous boyfriend and protective too. I told him I would never leave him or go to someone else. But, he still kills them. Oh well I love him anyways. Nothing could break our love or so I though. After a few mintes of cuddling he got up. "I'll be right back love, I got something to do" he gave me a kiss and left out the front door. I got up from the couch and got some Smirnoff from the fridge. When he says 'I got something to do' it usually means that he's going to go kill someone who flirted with me.

Some time has pasted and his still not here yet. Did he get caught? Did he leave me? He would never leave me right? Am just getting worried. What if doesn't come back. Why am i thinking like this? He will come back. Maybe his just drunk somewhere. Yea his probably drunk.

Alright, its midnight now wear dafq his he? He should had been back by now. The news didnt say anything about catching the killer or a dead body. Am pissed as hell right now. Maybe Edd or Matt saw him? I pulled out my phone and started to text Edd.

(Bold=Edd  Italic= Tom)

"Hello? Edd you there?"

"Tom its 12 in the morning. Why are you texting me?"

"Tord hasn't come back yet and I was wondering if  you seen him?"

"No I haven't. I haven't seen him all day."

"Where could he be at this time?"

"Idk.The bar maybe?"

" Maybe. But, I swear if  I see him his soooo dead! Anyways talk to you later, bye Edd"


Tord is so dead when i see him.

2 hours have pasted and this bitch ain't cone back yet. The door started to unlock. I turned my head towards the door. Tord walked in and gave me a nervous smile. I got up from the couch and walked over to him with an angry look on my face. "Where have you been?" I kind of yelled at him."I was out...."He looked down at the floor."You were out for 19 hours!!!" I yelled at him.(my brain hurts now)"What was so important that it took 19 hours to finish? What takes 19 hours to finish Tord? Were you cheating on me?" His gazed moved for the floor to me." I would never cheat on you Tom you know that" He leaned down( Yes Tom is the short ass here)  and kissed me. I kissed him back and we pulled away. He picked me and cared me to my room. He (lied) laid me down on one side of the bed. While he laid on the other side. He pulled me closer and we fall asleep. (oneshot or story?)

I woke up to speak in the hall away. I slowly opened my eyes. Tord wasn't next to me. I slowly and careful got out the bed. I quietly want to the door. I could almost hear what he was talking about. I leaned on the door and listened closer. "No babe I can't".....wait did Tord just call someone else babe!?!? Is he cheating on me? This cant be right? I kept on listening to his conversation. "Maybe tonight ok?" what does he mean by tonight? I should follow him tonight to see what he meant by tonight. I pulled away from the door when I hear foots steps. I quickly but quietly ran to the bed and jumped in it. I fake fell asleep so he wouldn't know that I was wake. I hear the door open and he climed back in bed. "I love you" he said. He kissed my forehead and pulled me closer before felling asleep. I would say 'i love you too' if you weren't cheating on me.

It was night time now and Tord left to do 'somethings'. I want out the back door and followed Tord to were he was going.

~Time skip cuz am lazy and tired >:3 ~

After sometime of following him. He stop at a HUGE mansion. He knocked on the door. About a few seconds later a blond headed girl opened the door and let him in. I speed walked across the street. I want on my knees and looked through the window. The girl was on Tord's lap. He had his hands around her waist and pulled her in for a kiss. My eyes wided,his cheating on me with a rich girl. I kept looking thought the window. Not even a mintue later and there fucking each other. I started to cry water falls. I moved away from the window and sat on the ground crying. A rich girl...so am not enougg for him. After a few mintues of crying I got up and walked home with my hood on. Want to my room and pulled out a paper and pen. I wrote down everything I loved. everything I hated, every feeling I was having I wrote on this paper. I then sign the paper "Tom the heartbroken one". I left the paper on the kitchen coner. I walked up to Tord's room and found a gun.  He cheated on me with a rich girl. He never loved me. He wanted money." I loved you and you cheated on me... You wont care if am gone. You'll be fine without me" I held the gun up to my head and pulled the trigger.

So....that was something..anyways i hope thar was somewhat feely....anyways i hope you guys enjoyed....bye my little pups!!!!

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