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Tord's POV

I couldnt see nothing.. I couldnt feel anything. I couldnt breathe. Without him my life means nothing. Its been a year since Tom the love of my life died. I still cant get over it.. How could I get over it when I caused his death. When I made the love of my life to...suffer.

~1 year earlier~

Me and Tom were out to night. We had gone to the 'youngfair' aka Youth Fair. We were having a wonderful time. We were walking by untill Tom stoped and looked at something. I could see has voids sparkling. I titled my head and looked at what he was looking at. I look over at the prizes and saw a big fluffly kitten. I could tell he really wanted it."Tommy you want me to get you that kitten your star gazing at?" I asked pulling an arm around his shoulder."Yes plz!!" he said excited like a child whos getting candy."Alright" we walked up to the stand. It looked to be a throwing game. "Um..how much is it to play this game?" I asked the ladie running the stand."Its only 2 dollars"she said. Huh? Everything else is 5 or 6 dollars. I shurgged it off and gave her the 2 dollars. She gave my three balls and started to explan the game.

After the instructions I started to play the game. All had to really do is get the ball in the super high hole to win.I toke my first ball and aimed for the hole.I throw it annnnd it miss. Tom could be heard saying "aww". I toke the second ball and throw it. Another miss. Crap only one more left. I toke a deep breathe and aimed for the hole....1....2....3 I throw the ball and it landed in the hole. Tom screamed a "YES!!" he was so happy I won for him."Now tell me which prize you want" she asked going over to the prizes."The big blue kitten" she got the kitten and gave it to me."Here you go"I said gave Tom the big pulshy kitten."Thankyouthankyouthankyou" he said hugging the kitten to death."Your weclome" I land a kiss and his cheek cuase him to blush.

After some hours the youth fair started to close. Tom and I started to walk to my truck. I looked over at Tom I could tell he was tired.He had his head on the kitten plush. His arms warped around it softly. I toke the kitten from Tom. I picked up Tom putting him on my back. "T-tord put me down!!" he said. His arms around my neck. "You want to walk on the ground or be carrie by me?"Tom signed and laid his head on my shoulder."I thought so"I held on to the plush kitten fixing it so that I could carrie Tom and the plush.

About so mins later and I arrvied at the car. Tom ended up falling asleep half throught me carring him.I unlocked the car opening the back door putting the plush in and the other stuff and closed the door. I opened the passenger door and settled Tom down in the chair. I put on Tom's seat belt closing his door going to the other side of the truck. I was about to opened my door when I was pulled behide my truck."I need to talk to you" Paul whispered. "What the hell-"He coverd my mouth shushing me."Dont talk so loud!!" he whispered yelled."I need to tell you something"I signed taking his hand away from my mouth."What is it?"I asked annoyed."Tom only was 2 weeks to live" What the hell? "What the fuck are you talking about Paul?" "I mean that Tom is in danger someone has be tracing down you guys and is planing to kill Tom in 2 weeks" This is bull shit. Who would tagert Tom? Let alone want to kill hom "Can I prevent this from happening?" There was a long slince before Paul answered my qeustion."You can kill him yourself or hack who every is tring to kill me"
"Paul...hack someone in 2 weeks without even knowing who it is? Thats impossble!!" "well you better get started" and with that he left.

I opened my car door to the diver side and got in. I looked over at Tom peacefully sleeping. I signed to myself petting Tom on the head. "I wont let anyone hurt you." I stoped petting him and started to drive to our house. Me and Tom had an house of our own. Edd and Matt had there own house too. We thought it would be better if we had our own houses.(This is why Edd and Matt are never in these oneshots XDD)

After a few hours of driving I reached at our house. Tom was sound asleep. I pookes his cheek. Earing a low growl from the smaller male. I chucked a little. The poor baby was probably very tired. I turned off the car taking the keys out. I opened my door and got out. I want to Tom's side and opened his door. I picked me up Brides Style carefuly making sure he didnt wake up. I closed the door with my foot walking up to the house. I put Tom on my back not want him to fall while get the keys for the house. I opened the door into the house. I walked inside setting Tom down on the couch. I went back outside to go get the stuff from the car.

After getting the stuff and bringing it in , I sat some of the stuff in the kitchen. I put kitten plush on the other couch from Tom. I once again picked up Tom. I cared him to our room setting him down on the left side of the bed taking off his shoes and my shoes. I jumped in next to him pulling him closer to me. So after fell asleep.

(Damn this is going be a loooong chapter)

~in the morning~

I woke up to someone shaking. I looked down at Tom. He was shaking like crazy he seemed cold? I could he be cold if I'm next to me and the covers are over us. I shoke Tom awake."Tommy you ok? You were shaking" Tom had this look of confusion on his face. There was a pause before he answered my question. "I was shaking?" I nodded my head. "Why was I shaking?" he whispered but, I heard him. "maybe you were cold I dont know"We shurgged it off moving on to the rest of our day.

~2 days later~

Tom was get worse he would shake every min and have a coughing fit every hour. I would try and hack into the system the mystery guy was using but, nothing. Tom was suffering slowly and painfully. Nothing was helping him. I tryed just giving him medicine and it didnt do shit. I didnt want Tom to suffer with this. There was two ways to this...let him suffer...or......kill him myself. I cringed at the idea..killing my love? I also dont want him to suffer neither. There only one way for this.

~Time skip cuz I'm rushing~

Tom was currently in the house alone. I walked up to the door opening it."Tommy...I'm home" I could see Tom dash down the stairs almost triping. If he wasn't suffering he would had gotta down the stairs quicker."Tord your back!!" he chippered hugging me tight."yea...I'm back" I grabbed the knife from my pocket and stadded Tom in the stomach. I could see his skin going pale. His grip on me getting weak."I love you...so much Tom."
AAAAAAH I RUSHED NEAR THE END SORRY IF IT WAS BAD....anyways...never seen that coming did you....ha....haha.....hope you didnt cry...bye my little pups!!!!

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