No love (Hybird Au?)

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wELL COME BACK TO MORE ANGST....aaaannnd am not to foud with this au but, i'll try..let me just tell you...there will not be an alternate WITH THE ANGST


Tom's POV

It's been 3 days since me and Tord(or Tord and I) had a big fight. We really never fought like this before since we started dating. I been crying in my room for these past 3 days. Tord moved back to norway and said he wanted nothing to do with me. Edd and Matt are worried sick about me. I been drinking more alcohol lately. More than i can headly. I wish we never had that fight I wish things could go back to how they normaly were.

~3 days earlier~(Still Tom's POV)

I finally came back from the shop. It took me for every but, I finally found what I needed. I was going to give my boyfriend the best gift ever. I so exitced that my tail was wagging like crazy. I just hope he isn't to mad I came to the house late.

After a few mins of walk down the street I got to the house. I quiety opened the door and locked it.I signed in relief. I didn't wake anyone up or make any nosie. I turned a way from the door to be face to face with Tord.(more like chin to face)I could tell me was mad.His face had an expression of 'your in deep shit right now'. His arms were folded and his hind leg paw was tip against the wooden floor. I smiled nervously at him."H-hey Tord" I said nervously. "Don't 'hey Tord' me. Where have you been?" He asked a bit harshly."I was out" I told he."You were out almostly day Tom. What the hell takes all day to do?"(coughcough referencetothefirstoneshot coughcough)I opened my mouth to say something but, closed it. I couldn't ruin the surprise I had for him But, i also can't lie to him.(That fucken stuipd)I opened my mouth and said something."I was looking for something and it was really hard to find. So it took me most of the day to find it because it was rare to find."I really hope he believes this."So, if it was so hard to find and you got it. You wouldn't mind tell me what you got then"He said. I gulped.Tell him I can't tell him."It's an amine thing"I said stuttering."What type of amine thing?"He said give me a cold stare."A thing" I replied back.

A few seconds later and were fighting verbally(?). It was pretty intense(I give up on this oneshot......fUCK IT ) Tord lost his tempter, screaming things like "You fucken cheated on me" or "Whos the new person you love more than me".

This fight want on for what flet like hours."You know what am done with your shit" I yelled at him."Done with you!!Am going back to norway(?)!!.He yelled back."Fine,Go to fuck norway I.DONT.CARE!!!"I run up the stairs to my room slaming the door behide me.

~3rd person's POV~

After Tom ran up to his room.He left the gift on the floor were he and Tord had that 'little fight'.Tord was absolutey furious with Tom. The looked down at the floor cusing some bullshit about Tom. He then was the gift on the floor. His first thoughts were to pick it up and leave. Whike his second thoughts told him to step on it.

But, his curioSHITTY got the best of him.(sorrynotsorryforthepun) So he picked up the bag and left for a plane for norway.While waking to airport Tord looked in the bag. What he was almost made him cry. Its was a rare hentai plush and..a neko Tom. Tord looked back at the house. "I can't go back he hates me now" he said turning back around heading towards the airport.

~Back to the president futuer~ (Tom's POV)

I was in my room.Smrinoff bottles everywhere on the floor.I was on my bed 'relexing'. I was curled up in a ball(Like how dogs sleep in there doggy bed's). I had smrinoff in my hand. My tail selithly moving every few seconds. I wanted Tord back but, with the dumb(VERY dumb) decisions I made he hates me now. I should have just gave him the bag and this feeling am feeling won't be happening. "But, Noooo i just had to keep it a secret." I sloppily said. I was half drunk but, not drunk enough to forget what happens if i do something stupid.

After a few mins of hating myself I sat up in bed.I couldn't live like this. I picked up my from the desker and started to text to Tord.

"Hey you there?"

I waited for what seemed like hours but, he didnt repones back. He hated me. He wanted nothing to do with me.I texted him one last thing before I turned my phone off.

"I guess you won't care if i go"

I put my phone in my hoodie hocket. I got out of my bed and walked to the door. I let my hand gaze over the nob of the door for a bit. I placed my hand on the nob and opened my door. I want down staris. To my surprise Edd and Matt weren't on the couch. I walked into the kitchen hope to see them. I saw a note on the kitcen coner. I walked over to it and picking it up.

Dear Tom,
Me and Matt went to the store to get somethings.Please eat something we're worried about you.
-From Edd

I put the note back down and signed. I turned out of the kitchen."Sorry"I said opening the front door and walking out. I put my hood(THEHOOD)on and walked to the park. 

After some walking i reached the park. The only reson why I came was because the was this a bridge.Tge bridge wasn't to low and it could kill you with the fell. The water under it had spiky rocks I could run into but, I decided to sit on a bench.I was waiting for the sun to set. I didn't do anything in front of anyone who could save me from deaf.

~Tord's POV~

I just got Tom's text an hour ago. I want back to England to apologize to Tom.I was completely worried now. He was trying to kill himself Because he thought I hated him. I started to run to places were Tom could be. I couldn't find him and it was grow dark. I kept running and running unable to find Tom. I sat down on a bench for a little. Catching my breathe. Then it hit me like a bullet "The only place I didn't check was the park!" I yelled. I started to run to the one place were he could kill himself. The bridge.

~Tom's POV~

It was completely dark now. I wasn't going to be missed by anyone. I was just a waste of time to everyone.I was at the brige looking down at the water. I really loved water. I never thought it would kill me.I looked up at the stars. They were so beautiful to night. I guess this will be the last time I see them. I closed my eyes and signed. I opened them back up and climb up on the railing.I stood up on the railing looking down at the water.I turned around on the railing. I closed my eyes and leaned backwards felling.

(#DidThisAuWrong 😅)

But, I was pulled back from falling off the railing into a tight hug.I was going to pull away from the hug but, realized it was Tord. I hugged him back our fur colliding with each other. I crying in his shoulder. "Tom..why would you try to kill yourself....why would you try to leave me?" he said softly fighting back tears."I thought you h-hated me. T-that you didnt l-love me,didnt c-care about me" I said still crying a bit in his shoulders.

Tord pulled away from the hug and looked at me with a somewhat serious look."Thomas...I would never hate you.I love you so fucken Tom. Me leave to norway without talking to you was stupid of me. I thought you hated me and didn't want to talk to me.So I decided to just leave you alone and calm down. I should have been there for you. Am a horrible boyfriend". I said whispering the last part but, I heard him.

"Tord....your not a horrible boyfriend and you just did what you thought was best for me" I told him. He smiled and wipped away my tears,cuping my face."Would you ever forgive me?" I stayed quiet for a moment before responding. I kissed him sweetly and then pulled away. "always". He smiled laughing little putting this forehead to mine."I love you so much" "I love you to". After few mins of sitting together, tail intertwined. It started to rain. We both looked up at the sky. Rain pouring hard but, softly at the sometime.(tf)"I guess we better go home huh" I said laugh a little. Tord growled lowly. He hated rain but, put his hoodie over my head.We started to walk home enjoying the comfort of each other.

HOLY SH*T  "1590" WORDS NOT COUNTING THE A/ damn I never wrote so much...anyways...did I say agnst? I might happy ending sorry...anyway I think i did the Au wrong.....ok am going to stop talking now...hoped you enjoyed...bu-bye my little pups!!!

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