Love a Love

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This oneshit is going to be nonsense....yes I meant to put shit instand of shot......Oh and Tom's a neko.............enjoy

Tord's POV

I was sitting on the couch all comfortable unitll. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhh" I heard disoriented(?) scream come from Tom and my room. I jumped off the couch and ran up the stairs. "Tom are you ok!?!" I yelled opening the door. My eyes wided to the site I saw. There was blood on the floor and walls. "Tom?" I said looking around the room for the small neko."Tom answer me....your scaring me" I said looking in the closet. Nothing.

I looked all around the room and Tom was no were to be found. I signed. There was one way to only know if Tom real wasnt here. I ran out the room to the kitchen and grabbed a cookie. After I grabbed the cookie I ran back into our room. Still nothing but, blood on the floor and walls."Tom I go a cookie" and in no time something poped up from under the bed. "I WWWWWWWWWaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNttttttttttttttttttt IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItttttttttttttttttt" he yelled. My eyes wided to see Tom coved in blood and what looked like blue slime. I guess he just realized what he did because tears started to come from his 'eyes'. They were surprisingly the only thing not blue or bloody."No Tommy dont cry" he put his hands to his face cry louder. "YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYoooooooooooooUUUUUUUUU tttttttttttttttttHHHHHHHHHHHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNNNNNNNNkkkkkkkkkk IIIIIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmmmmm UUUUUUUUUUUgggggggggLLLLLLLyyyyyyyyyy DDDDDDooooooNNNN'ttttt YYYYYYYoooooooUUUUUU" I pulled his hands away from his face and looking into his eyes. "I would never think your ugly Tom. Your beautiful just the way you are" I pulled him into a hug. "TTTTTTTThhhhhhhhhAAAAAAAAnnnnnnnnKKKKKKKK yyyyyyyyOOOOOOOuuuuuuu" he said happliy. I slightly nodded. "Now tell me...How did you end up like this?"

After an long ass explanation of confusion I finally got what he meant. " that day you went into the lab with me you knocked over a blue glowing liquid in my lab. Catching it but, you end up spiling some on you. So you thought it was a good idea to put the liquid back down and lick it off of you?" I said narrowing my eyes to the licking off part. "IIIIIIIIIII'mmmmmm HHHHHHaaaaaaLLLLLLffffffff CCCCCCaaaaaaaaTTTTTT" he said pouting. I chuckled a bit. "ok lets go down to the lab" I said hold his hand.

After we got to the lab I told Tom to sit in the chair next to me and dont move or touch anything. I didnt want him touching an chemical that would be harmful to him or make this worse than it is. I can bearly understand him. He nodded put his head in his arms to relax on the table. I messed around with some potions some go off like fireworks. Earning a 'OOOoooo' from Tom. Other potions would stop Tom from breathing so I had to cover the top of it quickly. And ONE of the potions almost killed Tom. So right now his on the right side of the lab resting on one of the table I cleared for him. Mixing potions when his next to me is so dangerous.

About half an hour late I still couldnt make a potions to help Tom. I laided my head in my arms on the table exhausted from all the potion mixing. I closed my eyes drift off untill I heard some extremely disoriented yeing from Tom. "TTttttTTTTooooOOOOdddddDDDDD" I sat up quickly in my chair looking over at Tom. He was cry waterfalls. I quickly got up and ran over to Tom. "Thats wrong did something hurt you?" I have learned that before mixing the dangerous potion that Tom's extremely emotional in this state. "NNNNNnnnnnIIIIIiiiiiGGGGgggggTTTTTtttttHHHHHHHhhhhMMMMMmmmmAAAAaaaaRRRRrrrrrEEEEEEeeeee" he cried out. It toke me a few seconds before I actually possesed it through my head. I pulled it a hug rocking him back and forward."Shh its ok I'm here." I sofly said to him. He was so very emotional crying in my hoodie. I mean then you have a nightmare your cry after that..but, its like he had times 10 nightmares in one.

After a few mins of shushing and purring he calm down. I put my hand through his hair making sure he stayed calm. Surprisingly his hair was soft and fluffy like to a maxinma. His ears wear soft too. He purred disorientely but, somewhat soft. "Are calm enough to wear I can ask you about the nightmare?"I asked still puting my hand through his hair. He nodded slightly after few seconds."Ok...Did someone die?" Thats probley no the best way to start this. He ended up tearing up again nodding a yes to my question. I huged him a bit tighter so he could be somewhat ok for the next question. "Who died?" I sayed softly and quietly.

There was a long. I mean long pause before Tom reacted to this. I actually thought he passed out. Tom ended up crying again. Its looked like he was trying his best not to cry so hard."YYYYyyyyyOOOooooUUUuuu DDDDdddIIIIIiiiiiiiDDDDDdddd" He cried harder say it to me. "Its not real Tommy. I'm still alive" Poor Tommy had a nightmare about me dieing. Its worse since his in this state.

After sometime Tom ended up falling asleep again. I put him down on the table. I took off my lab coat. Then my hoodie putting it on Tom so he can cubbled something  to prevent his nighmares. I kissed his forehead before walking over to the my little potion area. Tom wanted a potion that could revers this mess he was in. Honestly I didnt care how he looked he was still my Tommy.

After hours of trying and failing I could get a potion to turn Tom back.I signed looking over at Tom. He titked his head in confsion."WWWWooooooTTTTT?" he asked."I can't get a potion to turn you back" I said walking over to him. Tears where forming in his eyes. I huged him close to me and said"But, I dont care what you look like...your still my Tommy~" I kissed the top the forehead making him smile.
"I love you Tommy~"
"IIIIIIII lllllllOOOOOvvvvvvEEEEE yyyyyyOOOOOuuuuu TTTTTooooo TTTTTTooooooRRRRRRddddddYYYYYYY~"
So....ummm this oneshot idea was inspired by an AU called Corrupted Edd if you know the AU then congrats If you dont....then...well....Its an AU where in super Edd , Edd got hit with to much radiation thanks to Eduardo..Is made Edd turn into a slime monster?....Idk I just found this AU Thanks to one of MadisonCianciarulo 's bookes....yea you found all you need other there XDD...ok.....bye my little pups!!!

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