Tom's fear

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FEAR not my followers and new comerd!!...Did you get it?....cuz you know....Tom's fear is the ;w;


He was sleeping beautiful...untill Edd woke him up."Tom get up your going to be late!!!"..Tom's eyes opened a little. He replaied back with a ragged voice..."Late for wot?...." Tom was clearly tired."Your date with your boy!!!"..Tom's eyes shot up with him as well. "WAIT!! YOUR DATE IS TODAY!?!"Tom said while running to his closest to find his hoodie."Yeah!!" Tom ran out the room to the bathroom. While talking a bath he yelled.."GOD DAMNIT I'M 4 HOURS LATE FOR THIS GOD DAMN BULLSHIT". He got out the shower and stared to put on his clothes. It looked like he was rushing...but, it was. He ran out the bathroom just to stop instantly...The house was dark as fuck. Tom took out his phone turning on the flash light. He walked over to one of the light switches. He flicked it on but the light didnt come on. He tried a few times like in any horror moive. "Guys?....come on.....this isn't funny.." he walked down dam stairs softly completely forgetting about the date. "Guys come out i know your there!" yelled a little. Nothing just darkness and silence. Tom was actually getting scared. To how weird it sounds but, he never liked silence. He would always have soft music playing before he fell asleep. "Guys!!! Stop fucken playing!!! This isn't fucken funny!!!" he was on the verge of crying. It wasn't noticble unless you hug him or something. "guys?.........plz....stop fucken around.." Tom slowly backed himself up in a corner. He backed up into something. And holy crap his scream could make you go deaf. Right then the lights turned back on. "holy shit" a boy with a accent said. "You almost made me deaf" he add. "AND YOU FUCKEN SCARED THE SHIT OUT OF ME!!" Edd and Matt were in the kitchen peaking out to see what shit was about to go down."I WAS SCARED ALMOST HALF MY FUCKEN LIFE" Tord face was mixed with conufsion and worried...mostly conufsion. "I  THOUGHT YOU GUYS FUCKEN LEFT ME!!....I-I thought.....someone else l-lefted me alone....again.....d-didn't want m-me by them........" Tom eye's started to tear up. Tord signed pulling Tom into a hug. "No ones going to leave you again...and i'm sorry i scared you" a little silent's entered before Tom spoke. "I-it's fine.." Tord kissed the top of Tom's head. He hugged he one last time before pulling away. "Hey? How about we go get ice cream?" Tord's said wiping off Tom's tears. "Sure...I would love that..." Tom cracked a small sweet smile. And with that they want to go get ice cream....with Edd and Matt too.
Short af but cute....Love you guys...#ForeverDeadOnWattpad...and ummmm cya yall late min kjærlighet~

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