Stuck in the middle

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Tom's POV

For the past week Tord  and Matt have been acting strange. Matt threw out some of  his mirrors the other day. that confused me the most out of the other three. Tord has be flirting with me. I saw Matt pissed off from a far when Tord did that. Something is serous wrong with these two.

Today I was just relaxing. Nothing was going on around the house. Edd and I were on the couch. Tord and Matt were in the kitchen. Everything was calm untill we heard glass break. Edd and I wiped our heads around looking  in the durations of the kitchen. Tord was holding a broken glass while Matt was no were in view. Both Edd and I quickly got up from the couch raning over to the kitchen. Edd eyes widen to see the Matt holding the back on his head where it bleed. Edd rab over to Matt trying to help him out. I faced Tord with an angry look. "Why the fuck did yiu hurt Matt!?" he didnt answer at first. Instand his eyes widen. He most of just reaziled what he did. "Tell ne why did-" I was cut off by Edd yelling at me."Tom go get the first aid-kit!!" I was startled by the sudden screaming but, quickly pushed Tord out of my way and ran to get the first aid-kit. I ran up the stairs into the bath room. I opened the cabinet and got the first aid-kit. I ran back down the stairs with the kit. I ran in the kitchen give Edd the first aid-kit. "Thank you" he quickly said patching up Matt's head. I faced Tord once again. "What the fuck is wrong with you? Why did you hurt Matt?" he just hung his head low. I just wanted to punch the shit out of him!! But, I dont think Edd can bandage up two people at the same time.

Its been an whole week since Tord injured Matt. You would think Matt would forget that Tord hit him. But, NOPE!! He just growls everytime Tord walks near him and I thought I was the dog. Why are they acting like this? I have asked Edd about it and he has noticed it too. Matt is NOT the type to remember something and growl at someone. Thats my thing!!! Tord isnt the one to hit some over the head thats his friends. I dont count. His my emeny. Or is he because he has been flirting with me for the past month. Matt has been studdering over his words sometimes when talking to me for this past month. If I dont know any better i would say that had a crush on me.......(when the drugs kick in)........"OH SHIT-" I accidentally yelled. Good thing only Edd heard me. "Whats wrong Tom?" he asked titling his head.

After some explanation difficulties Edd got what I was saying. "damn are you really that good looking?" He chuckled. I playful punched him the arm. "Hell no" we both ended up laughong untill. CRASH. Both Edd and I signed in unison. We both ran up stairs into Matt's bed room. Tord and Matt were about to punch each other untill. "STOP!!" I yelled in anger at the two. "Tord!! Matt!! Let go of each other!!" They both let o of each other backing away. Edd seemed shocked they listend to me. I was shocked too but, we have to stop these to from fighting. "Now tell me......WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU TWO?!?!" I cuz everyone to jump at the sudden loudness. Tord and Matt did do jack shit but, hung there heads low. Edd had tgis look like 'Tom going to punch the shit out of them if they hung there heads down low one more time.' Honestly I was about to. "Listen if you guys dont tell me what the fuck is wrong with you two....I will have two new places for your heads to hung in my room" I looked at them fear across Matt's face and a somewhat chill but a hit of fear on Tord. "We been fighting..." I rolled my 'eyes'. "Where not blind" Edd laughed a little to my statement. "We been fight over who wins Tom's heart" they said in unison. I really wasnt surprised. My face described 'Bitch I aint got one'. "and?"

The rooms had a pause for a long time. I finally broke the silent having enough of this shit. "Come found me when you have a better excuse" I walked out the room leaving Edd to suffer with the idiots. I walked down the stairs into the kitchen grabbing a smirnoff from the fridge. I take a wip of the boltte turning around to go back up the stairs. Matt's door was  closed. I slowly walked up to the door leaning against it to hear anything they were saying. "You guys can still win Tom's heart just dont flight over it! Give him time to fall in love with one of you!" Edd the voice of leadership said. I didnt hear any say yes so I assume they nodded their heads. "Good now let Tom be for now.  His done for today" I quickly and quietly ran down the stair and sat on the couch not wanting to get catch. They came walking down the stairs. Matt in front Edd in the middle and Tord last. "Alright I think there done fighting" Edd chriped. I nodded my head talking another wip of my smrinoff.

For the past month I have been feeling these horrible feels. I knew what they were. I just didnt like them. Anytime Tord would flirt with me I would blush lightly. Anytime Matt do something dumb or silly I would giggle while blusing lightly. This. was. HORRIBLE!!!!! I was all lovely dovely arounf these two!! Just a few month earlier I wasnt doing this shit. I would be pissed off or some shit. Niw I'm blushing like an dumbass. "UGGGGH" I groaned felling on my bed with my face hitting my pillow. "I hate life" my word muffled from my pillow. Knock knock. Someone knock on the door. I picked up my head saying. "come in" then put my face back on my pillow. My door opend open with a creck nosie. "Are you ok Tom?" Edd asked. "No" I muffledly said. Edd closed my door cause if to make another creck. Edd sat on the edge of my bed rubbling my back. "Whats wrong?" he asked softly. "I cant pick" "Pick what sweet heart?" I cant pick bewteen Tord and Matt" I said faceing my face towards Edd. "There both idiots I cant stand but, I love them both" Edd nodded. "why not have both" "what?" "Both Tord and Matt love you to death and you love them both to death so why not both" "I-..actually thats not an bad idea" I said smiling at Edd. "Thanks!!" "Anytime" and with that Edd got up from my room and left. "I was going to tell two days" I said to myself looking up at my celling falling asleep.

Today was confession day. Today was going to tell Tord and Matt how I feel. I stepped out my room taking a deep breathe. Edd left so that I could confess without any interruptions. I walked down the stairs to see Tord and Matt sitting on the couch. I signed. "Um guys?" I said standing by the stairs as an easpe route to my room if shit goes down hill. "Yes?" they siad in unison. "I have something to tell you guys" I stubbered. They both look consfed at first but, then got something throught there heads. "Go ahead kjærlighet~" Tord purred. I toke a deep breath befire yelling out how I felt. "I love you both!!" I could tell they were consfed to the core. "I can't bot love one of you I love you both!!" They actually look somewhat ok with that. They both got up and walked over to me. "And we love you too~" thwy said hugginng me.


Edd's POV

I walked to the house. I figured that Tom had confessed by now so it was time to go back. When I opened the door I was meet with the most cutest site very Tord , Tom and Matt cuddling together. I chuckled closeing the door softly to not wake them up. I got a big blanket from the closet and out it on them. I shoke me head walk to my room "Kids...they nevr know how to cover themself" I laughed laying on my bed felling asleep under the covers.
MadisonCianciarulo Said she would pay  to see this happen give me them 10 bucks jk jk dont. When she had this I was like.....CHALLENGE this story was born......Plz someone help me I got the threesome problem XD

Oh and tomtheblueleader dont worry you request WILL be done next!!

Anyways...I hope you guys enjoyed...Bye my little pups!!!

Tomtord OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now