Chapter.Nineteen. I Got A Hangover.

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Charlie's P.O.V

So this is how it feels to be drunk. Wait...Its morning, I should be sober by now!

Oh, I am! Oh great, I have a massive headache, and I can barely move, am I chained to something?

Shit! I'm cuffed to the bed aren't I, alright Charlie just open your eyes real slow and make sure the warm body you feel beside you is Kristen.

I slowly open my eyes and slowly guide my eyes towards the body.

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no! Sure scream in ur head, Brianna will burst in the door and come help your ass!! Where the hell is the key. I turn back to the body and see it between his lips.

Fuck! Am I on a prank show or something, is Brianna trying to make me shit my pants. Oh shit, I'm so screwed, and am I even wearing underwear.

The door flies open and Brianna comes in running, she laughs her head off and I whisper!

"Dude get me out of here, please."

"Hold up!"

She pulls out her phone and takes a picture.

"Yeah, that is a good idea it lasts longer, now gets me out of here."

She slowly grabs the key without waking the guy up and unlocks the cuffs.

"Where did people get cuffs??"

"I don't wanna know, let's head downstairs."

We head downstairs and there were bottles and snacks all over the place.

"Do people eat the rest of their joints?"

"No, why?"

"Charlie, do you see any joints on the floor?"

"Don't shout I have a massive headache."

Kristen comes out of the kitchen slowly and folds his arms.

"Babe!" I yell

"Oh shit."

His face straightens and he looked way hotter.

"Hey, there's my fiancée, she got no ring on her finger and she slept with some other guy, I guess I'm supposed to open my arms and smile as if nothing happened right."

"I'm gonna run to my room!"

Brianna turns around and runs to her room.

"No, it was a mistake, I was drunk and I think I bought a boat for my mom."

"Charlie! What the hell, did he even use a condom!?"

"I don't know, but do you blame me, I never see you guys put it on!"


"Did you put on a condom when we had sex?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I? Wait that doesn't excuse the fact that you slept with another guy!"

"Yes, but I'm sure he did, I saw a lot of condom wrappers on the floor."

Shit that doesn't help my case!

Oh, now he definitely pissed like wow.

"Than what if you pregnant, then you'd have to kill an innocent soul."

"No, I'd keep it gosh, what if it was yours! Would you want me to kill it then?"

"Are you trying to tell me you pregnant."

"No, I and Brianna had a scare, our periods just never arrived. My point is I'd never kill the baby, and plus an abortion would cause problems for future pregnancies."

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