Chapter. Thirty Two. Stop Me.

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Charlie's P.O.V

I slam the door behind me as I rush to get away from Kristen. I stop at the end of the stairs and wait for him to walk through the door. He turns the door knob slowly and walks in like its a random day.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yell

He puts the car keys down on the coffee table gently and takes of his baseball jacket. He tosses it on the couch and walks towards me. I told my arms and wait for his response.

"Why was Melvin here? Did you call him? Do I bore you?"

"No, and I didn't know he was on his way. You know we keep in touch with him cause his been Bree's friend since 2015."

"Do you still love him? Does our engagement mean nothing to you?"

"What are you talking about!! Kristen..."

"You have no idea how much I need you." He cuts me off and puts his hands on his figure "You're mine, when your ex walks up in here show em that rock on your finger. Okay?"

What's happening?

"What...? What's wrong with you?"

"I just don't wanna lose you to him."

"I'm lost as fuck. You punch some guy but talk to me bout Melvin."

"He cut in line. And shoved me when I shoved him."

I sit on the stairs and run my hand through my braids.

"What did I get myself into."

"I'm sorry. Just can't process the thought of losing to Melvin." He sits beside me and cups my face with his hands "I love you." he kisses me

"I love you too. Did we leave Bree and Nick in a mall?"

"Yes, they got Google they'll live." he lifts me and sets me on his hips as he passionately kisses Me. I giggle as he pulls away.

"We can't. Bree might walk in on us again."

"We need to get our own place."

"Bree will miss me too much. We can't move. We stay! Even if she sees your yellow ass everyday."

We head upstairs and nap together for a bit.

I lay on his chest as I listen to his heart beat. He kept playing with my braids as I moved my fingers up and down his chest. The silence meant something to me.

What it meant to him I'll never know.

The next day.

Brianna's P.O.V

"I still think I should've gotten him the watch." I fasten my seatbelt

"No, then you won't have a birthday present for the guy." Charlie yells from the back of my P1

"Good point. But I want to see his face light up as he sees it, today!!"

Charlie's slides into the passenger seat and opens her drink.

"You will. But not today. Next year. Now drive us Home, Kristen texted me an hour ago."

"If it were that urgent, he was gonna come get yo ass, now shut up."

I start the car and we head home.

30 Minutes later we arrive, there were a lot of cars were parked outside including Nicks dodge.

"Uh Oh." I say under my breath

"What's going on?"

"I was with you the whole day. Stop asking me shit I don't know."

"Let's just get in the damn house."

We walk in and the house was filled with quiet teenagers. Tyler and Becka were on the couch. Seth and Brian leaned on the kitchen wall. Kristen and Nick sat on the stairs. My eyes widen when Nick stands up.

"Uh. Hello?"

Everyone walks into the living room, me and Charlie look at each other and walk in as well.

I gulp and stare at Nick across the room.

"So, uh..."

Tyler clears his throat and looks at me. "Charles might be coming back, and I think his gonna be working with my dad. I think he already has Miranda"

"That's not possible. His in jail."

Charlie steps forward and says "His been there for months now, and plus his heavily guarded by my mothers security team."

"He left a note."

I'm coming for you all. and I'm gonna do way more damage than before, I suggest you get my daughters attention. maybe she'll help you out. ill start with your cute sister then your mother then the rest of your family.

I snatch the note from his hand. "Did you forge this? Miranda is with Samuel in the UK. i dropped them off at the airport myself yesterday and had a video chat with them this morning, why the fuck are you lying."

"Your life that boring that you need forge shit, just to come see us?" Charlie snaps. "We threw you guys out of our lives for a reason. Lying bout my dad should've never been an option."

"We called yo ass yesterday to tell u bout Miranda after I talked to your mom, your phone was off. Like what the fuck."

Nick unfolds his arms and walks towards me slowly. "Bree we need to talk."

I shake my head in fright. "No."

He ignores my response, picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He walks out of the door and walks to the end of the lawn.

"Calm down, Niggah just wanted your attention for a sec."

"Not like this tho. Wait why you helping him out?"

"I know how it feels to lose you."


"Yeah. Just hear him out. We'll both kill him after. You can have the first shot." He kisses my forehead

"You are so perfect." I smile.

We walk back into the house. Kristen and Charlie walk back into the room as well.

"Fine you got our attention. Speak fast."

Becka stands up "I'm sorry for bringing them here. They are really persistent."

Tyler stands up and walks up to me "I'm not lying. I do feel my dad might be working with Charles."

"Don't make things sound like a cliche movie. Just get to the point."

"My dad has been visiting Charles for the past 4 months. Texting his goons and having secret meetings every other week."

Charlie chuckles softly and turns to me. "His dad owes Charles."

"Oh. No, no wonder he was in town way before he came to us." I bite my bottom lip. "How much does he owe him?"

He takes a deep breath and says "1.2 million."

My eyes widen "The fuck he buy?"

"Brianna..." Nick slightly shoves me

"What?" I gaze at him.

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