Chapter Forty Three. The Wedding Part Two

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The reception...

After we left the church we got into the GLE and slowly made our way to the house.

Brianna's P.O.V

We were almost at the house, I was sitting in the front sit of the GLE while the newly weds were kissing none stop at the backseat. It was beautiful to see them so happy. They deserved all the happiness right now! We've been through shit over the years and sometimes things didn't make any sense! After the house was burnt down, me and Charlie's mom rebuilt the house, refurnished it, everything was new. We transformed the backyard into Charlie's dream reception. Nick was driving and honestly he drives like a grandma but still there were hundreds of cars following us so he had to.

When we arrived at home, they started playing the songs and everyone was dancing and walking towards the tables and chairs. Even Kristen and the guys were dancing. Our parents were trying to dance but failing like badly. The day was perfect. But let's hear from the bride.

Charlie's P.O.V

Everything was perfect even though I felt like I'd trip on my dress and fall on my face. I was smiling and laughing cause Kristen kept whispering jokes bout his aunts. As soon as we got to the backyard there was tables and chairs all organized neatly and the were different kinds of flowers. There was a table at the beginning of the yard with a banner hanging over the table that read 'Mr and Mrs Anderson' I blushed at the thought of saying 'Charlie Anne Anderson' When I enter a courtroom or something. There were other tables near ours that had banners as well they read 'Maid of honor and Best man' and the others read 'Groomsmen and Bridesmaids' and others read 'Family'. Thirty minutes later we were all seated and ready to start eating. The first meal was served and people started digging in. It was time for the speeches and Kristen's mom decided to start.

She got on the stage and said "Hello everyone I'm the official Mrs Anderson." She started tearing up "The day my son started to fall in love, I knew it cause he started smiling more, and taking off his shades in the house." The crowd starts to laugh "But the sight of my baby boy falling in love was absolutely beautiful and with the perfect girl just simply amazing. Ms Coulson you raised a fine daughter. Thank you!" The people clap and she makes her way back to the family's table.

My mom gets up on the stage and smiles at me and Kristen "My daughter I wish nothing but happiness and love in your marriage, cause you deserve it all, you're a giving heart with a stunning soul and no one compares my love. You two look beautiful together and I love you both. You're both my children and if you ever need anything I'm here, ask Charlie I can do anything." We all chuckle "And Mrs Anderson you have one handsome and dedicated son thank you for letting him stay in my daughters life." We all clap and cheer and she makes her way to her seat next to my dad which was up next

He grabs the mic and clears his throat "Hey everyone I'm Charles Coulson Charlie's father if you haven't figured it out yet, well I never trusted the guy for my little princess cause he looks like he attracts way too many women!"

"Mr. Coulson!!" Brianna yells softly from the maid of honor and best man table

I chuckle a bit and he continues "But his proven from the first day I met him that his the suitable husband for my daughter and if he fails to protect her, I will hunt him down and kill him, ask Charlie I can do that!" He smiles and gets off the stage while people laugh and clap their hands awkwardly.

It was Christopher's turn "Hey I'm Chris the best man, I'm not good with speeches so here I go. I remember the day Kristen was staring at Charlie while me and his brother Keith were discussing some stuff. He thought we wouldn't notice but he always froze when it came to her, he'd been to her house a couple of times but never spoke to her, odd but true." They all chuckle "I didn't know he was in love but as soon as he told me I knew it was true, I didn't know they'd be a wedding one day but I'm glad his found the right woman to spend he rest of his life with."  He winks at us and Kristen gives him a standing ovation we laugh and clap as loud as he was.

Next was Brianna "Heyyyyyy everyone, I'm Brianna I'm the maid of honor. I promised Kristen a serious beating if he ever broke my girls heart but it was the other way around so I gave Charlie the beating of a life time." She grins at me as I throw a piece of fruit at her. "Anyway Charlie is a remarkable woman and Kristen is a humbled man I wouldn't think of a better couple! I was there when he proposed and I honestly wanted to cry cause she was so happy, and I've known Charlie literally all my life and I've never seen her so happy with someone she trusts, she loves, she adores! I've never seen her stress so much! I've never seen her afraid to lose someone she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Parents of this couple well done! Y'all are amazing and have done a phenomenal job at raising this two psychos." She was starting to tear up like me I stood up to hug her and people started clapping and yelling things

We continued to eat and started dancing later on. We all changed into different dresses they were all similar they were peach and had different lace patterns on them. We wore peach stilettos and let our braids fall on our shoulders. I had my first father daughter dance, threw cake at my husbands face, got to dance with my best friend and the whole family. It was beautiful and I didn't want it to end. I mean when me and my husband were having our first dance I couldn't believe it. He was adorable and looking at me like the day I asked him to take me home. I love him so much I just can't believe I'm married to him.

Kristen's P.O.V

We were all changed and started greeting the guests and asking them if they were enjoying themselves. As soon as I was done talking to grandma Betty, I looked up and saw my beautiful wife laughing the night away with her best friend. She was breathtaking when she was walking down the aisle I wanted to cry and honestly would've been worth it. I love her so much. I just can't believe I'm married to her. And to believe I was already getting threats from her cousins and father. Funny! But beautiful....

This is the last chapter of this book... i wrote a new book on a new account cause I didn't write down the password of this one ... its @mbarleymb13. I hope you read it cause its similar to this one but drama at every turn and romance as well ... thanks for reading... I hoped you enjoyed it... please don't forget to vote if you like this chapter and comment if you like. thanks again..

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