Ladynoir (Ladybug and Chat Noir): Kiss Found Out ONLY 1 PART

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Hi guys, because it's the holidays, I had time to write one entire fluff filled chapter without having to divide it into 2 parts! Hope you enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Marinette's PoV:

My alarm started its annoying ringing, and I turned over in annoyance, lifting my blanket up to my ears in a vain attempt to drown out the noise.

I should have known better.

"Marinette, GET UP!" Tikki shouted in my ears.

I jumped out of bed like I was electrocuted. "Tikki, for something so small, you sure have a big voice! Yeesh, I think I'll have a constant ringing in my ears for the whole day!"

Wait, I blinked, and peered closer. She looked like she had no sleep, with heavy purple eye bags visible and her usually upright antennae drooping. That's probably why she screamed at me grouchily this morning.

"What happened Tikki?" I asked, worried.

"Your phone was vibrating from continuous calls at least 5 times an hour all throughout last night! I was sleeping next to it - thanks to you randomly throwing it everywhere before you fall asleep - and I couldn't move it because it was too heavy!" Tikki growled.

"Why didn't you just shout in my ear like what you did just then?" I queried.

"Because you still need sleep; I would rather have a restless night's sleep than dealing with a sleep-deprived you," she remarked.

I smiled sheepishly, though it was true. Last time I had not gotten a full night's rest, Tikki had to scream her voice hoarse to keep me awake the whole day.

"I can always sleep in your handbag during school. Plus, I got my revenge anyway!" she grinned.

I rolled my eyes, of course, she would still want her revenge. Well, at least I wouldn't be late for school for once.

But seriously, who would call that many times in the night? I scrolled through, wincing slightly at the monstrous amount of missed calls I had gotten from none other than Alya herself.

Then I noticed a missed message from the same person.

It read "I'm not going to bother calling you again because I need to sleep as well, but we-need-to-talk-at-school-tomorrow. Don't be late because I have something urgent to tell you, so I'm praying to the gods (for your sake) that you will wake up on time tomorrow!"

I involuntarily felt a shiver running up my spine. Whatever it was, she would not be happy I had not answered her calls last night.

I hastily shoved breakfast down and packed my schoolbag, making sure I didn't forget anything like before, then raced to school. I'm guessing the earlier I got there, would save me a bit from the wrath of Alya.

As I stepped in through the school gates, I choked on a bunch of curls being unceremoniously dumped into my mouth.

I pushed Alya away and was bent with my hands on my knees, spluttering and coughing. She didn't waste any time going on a rant about how disappointed she was with me and how she missed sleep trying to contact me.

I just inwardly rolled my eyes, no matter how much logical reasoning I gave her about normal people being asleep at that time, she wouldn't listen. Trust me, I'd learned the hard way.

I interrupted her speech. "What makes you so anxious to call me multiple times, and that is an understatement, all throughout the night?"

Alya immediately pounced on the question, eyes sparkling. Wait, sparkling?

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