chapter 8

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I am sorry it's late!!!! Don't hate me!

Rosalind spent hours peeling potatoes and chopping then up for supper. She had never done such work before, it was all so new to her. She didn't mind it though. It was nice and peaceful in the kitchen. She wished that cookie would talk to her but he wouldn't. He was a quite older man. "Sir why don't you speak to me? Is it because I am a woman on a ship full of men" she asked. She felt so bold doing so but she couldn't take then silence no more. "Miss Turner is it?" He asked her rosalind nodded. "Well then little miss you look so much like me daughter. Her name was Beatrix, she was so much like ya" he told her. Rosalind felt her heart sink as he said was. "What happened to her" rosalind said boldly. He hesitated to answer "she was kidnapped when she was 17 years. She was only a few months away from her first season. Me wife left me when she was only 5. I raised her me self to be a young lass. She was just like you. One night I was leaving work late and she was gone." Tears were threatening to spill from his eyes as he continued to speak. "They looked for weeks and never found her. I lost her forever, we all were convicted she is dead. It's been a little over a year." He said drifting off. Rosalind watched as a tear slipped down his cheek. He didn't wipe it he let it fall. Rosalind could only feel hurt, this man lost everything. "I am sorry sir" she whispered out. "Aye little miss call me cookie or pops everyone else does. I see my young Beatrix in ya." He said.
The rest of the time she spent in the kitchen was a happy time. Cookie seemed more like a father then her own. He talked about his daughter bea and what she was like. Rosalind loved it she didn't want to leave.
Lucian soon enough came back down he had more work for her to do. " captain might I stay down in the kitchen I do say I quite enjoy it" Rosalind asked. Lucian gave her a shocked stare. "Maybe later for now I have other things for you to attend to." He said pulling her away. Rosalind couldn't help but wonder what he might need from her? "What else must be done by me?".
"Can ye sew?" He asked her. She knew only a little bit. Her mother had taught her a bit but not enough to sew a dress or outfit. " I know only a little" she answered. Lucian took her to the deck to find a crate full of men's clothes. "The crew hate buying new clothes so they try and have them patched and mended but we never docked long enough to have them all done up" he told her. There were so many clothes how was she to do them all. Lucian handed her a needle and thread and a bag of patch stuff. He left her to do the work. She couldn't complain she did enjoy some sunshine. It was so nice she sat down and slipped her shoes off and brought her skirts up a wee bit. She didn't wear stockings seeing they would get ruined so easy. The men looked to her as if she were mad in the head. She ignored all of them, she enjoyed being unlady like some times. It was such a pain to wear so many layers of fabric.

Dusk so came bringing beautiful colour to the skies. Pink and orange and little bits of purple. How had the sky looked so beautiful. Cookie brought her a plate of dinner from the kitchen. She didn't want to leave the deck she wanted to watch the sky. "Ye are just like bea she loved the colours in the sky." He told her. "I was going to get a dress made for her first season of the same pink that was the colour of dusk." His faced dropped as he told her. Rosalind put a hand on his and gave him a smile. Cookie was an amazing old fella who lost so much but still continued on. Cookie returned to the kitchen leaving rosalind alone. She felt lonely and dreaded the thought of leaving the ship someday. She had come to love cookie and Jonathan maybe even Lucian too. He was a handsome man and the kiss he gave her still made her  knees weak. She knew though that it wasn't meant to be. She needed to move on.
Rosalind continued to sew and patch up clothes until the stars came out. The moon shined bright and so did the stars. Rosalind stood up brushing the wrinkles from her dress. She left the sewing behind and walked to the end of the ship. The water bashed into the ship as it cut through it. It looked beautiful. Rosalind dreamed of what life could be like for her in new York.  

She wasn't in the mess hall for dinner and not with cookie in the kitchen. Where on earth was that woman? Lucian went to the deck, he found clothes and sewing things off to the side. Where was Rosalind? He looked to the end of the deck to see her leaning over the rail. He watched as she looked to the waves bellow. God she was beautiful, as the moon light hit her golden locks. She did pull them back she let them fall lose. She was a temptress in the moon light. He wanted to take her in his arms and kiss every inch of her. Taste all of her. Feel her, fill her with all of him. She drove him mad. He couldn't ruin her though if he did he would have to marry her. Lucian wasn't ready to marry would he ever be ready he didn't know.
Lucian wanted to slip away unnoticed  but he couldn't. He wanted to see her pretty little face. He knew that wasn't the reason he was here. He had made an extra cabin just down the hall from him. It was small but it was better then sharing space with him. "Rosalind" he said getting her attention "I have found you a room to call your own, thought you would like your own space". He watched her face drop as if she was upset at the fact she had her own room. "Thank you captain" she said. He smiled and lead her down to the decks bellow.

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