chapter 24

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Suprise one more chapter cause I am me😆😆😆

3 months later

Rosalind sat in the grass in the back yard of her new home.

She wore a light gown of white. In her arms she held her new born babe.


He was already quite famous. Lucian was proud to know he had a son. Rosalind did good birthing him. She remembered the day so clear.

Lucian sat talking with Jonathan in his new study. Rosalind and bea had taken a small walk around the house. William had enjoyed learning to walk with them.

Rosalind didn't remember much of what happened but a strong pain ripped through her. Screams filled the room.

Lucian had carried her up stairs and had Jonathan call on thelma to come quick. That woman didn't hesitate a second.

Lucian was pushed from the room along with Jonathan. They were to stay down bellow and take care for William. 

It wasn't long before the cries of a new born babe came along. Lucian ignored thelmas cursing as he came up hearing his baby cry.

"It's a boy" thelma said

Rosalind cried with joy. He was beautiful. He had head full of dark curls and bright blue eyes.

"My love what shall we name him?" 

It didn't take her long to know what name her son should bear.


Thelmas eyes held tears and a smile. Lucian smiled and held his babe beside his wife.

It had been a few weeks since Thomas birth. Lucian was proudly showing him off when ever possible.

Lucian was proud to have a son to carry on his name proudly. Even lady greyland was happy to see a son born.

She took pride in spoiling him with new and fancy clothes. Always saying he would be quite the charmer like his father.


That word hurt a bit. Rosalind had lost her father. No she never had one to begin with. Lucian wouldn't be like her father. She knew that full well.

There were nights rosalind woke up to check on Thomas to find Lucian holding him.

Rosalind never wanted a nursemaid or a wetnurse. She did it all on her own like a real mother should.

Lucian enjoyed watching over them. Even when she breast fed him he would watch. Lucian loved knowing what a devoted mother rosalind was.

Life looked up for all of them. Lucian gave up sailing but kept a business going. Jonathan was his partner in all this as well.

It worked out for rosalind as well. Bea  came by all the time with William.

Life couldn't seem to get any better.

Time skip 2 years


They always came at weird times.

Bea had given birth to another son. Who they named Charles. He was only a year older then William but they got along great.

Rosalind herself had just given birth to her second who was a little girl. Claire.

She had blonde locks like rosalind and blue eyes. It was like her own little mini.

Holding on to her babies made her think. This is all because of Lucian. With out him she have non of this.

He was a captain and she was a lost girl.

She became his greatest temptress.

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