chapter 2

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Omg chapter 2 I am having a ball writing this. I love historical romances! I read them on here and paper back! I am such a nerd anyways enough about me on with the book what's gun a happen between Rosalind and Lucian! 

Fear it was all she felt as she was taken bellow deck. The man who she had come to learn was the captain of the ship. He was taking her down bellow nothing good could come of this. She wished for someone to save her! She should have waited till early dawn to jump on a ship. At least then she would have known what ship she was getting on. The captain took her down to what looked to be his room. It was set for a king and in his eyes he must have been one. He set her to the floor with grace careful not to hurt her. As if she were made of the finest China. "P..p...p..please I beg of you don't do this I know you're a good man sir...captain" she stuttered out trying to make her wording as best she could. "Do you really think I would take you my dear?" He asked her. His voice was like velvet to her ears, she couldn't use words so she nodded. He laughed a bit to her, "I don't take woman against there will...they beg me for it" he said with confidence and lust. She could tell he wasn't new in the territory of woman and seduction. For her though she was untouched Unkissed a proper lady of London.  "Let us start with a name then?" He asked her, he wanted her name she was shocked. He was still a gentleman. It was hard to answer or keep a still mind when all she saw was hard muscles. Sun kissed smooth perfection. Scars kissed his body but it only made him more sexy. Stop it Rosalind she thought to herself she needed to stay focused. She couldn't tell him who she was or else he would send her back. She knew by now her father had put out a great sum of money for her return. Need to lie, "Rosalind.....Turner" she said picking the most random name. "Well miss Turner I am captain Lucian greyland" he said smiling to her. Greyland....that name sounded familiar to her. She knew she had heard such a name before. "Might I ask miss Turner what you are doing aboard my ship?" He finally asked her. Rosalind needed to lie again! She couldn't tell him she had run away from a arranged marriage of hate. She needed to come up with something but what. "I...I am getting away from....from my....abusive....husband" she said trying to make it up as she went. That just made it worse, Lucians eyes went wide. "So your a Mrs. Turner then I see" he said. She nodded hoping he would go along with it. "You look much to young though and you don't wear a ring?" He questioned her once again. Damn it to hell this wasn't going to work she was done. "I lied" she said letting her face fall. She didn't have to lie about the marriage so say just her name. "I am not married I am being forced to marry but I don't want to so I am leaving to the new York town to start a new." She said looking to her feet. "Hmm very well then 'miss' Turner I have no place for you on my ship. You must earn your stay some how. Perhaps mending clothes for the men such thing a woman would see too" he said smiling to her. "I will not be a lose skirt and whore myself out to men" she barked at Lucian. He laughed at her "my dear miss Turner you will not so such things just help them with the others. If any dare touch you they have me to deal with." Lucian said to her his voice dark and scary. She nodded to him he was going to let her stay but it was all based on a lie! How long could she keep it up for?

She seem scared he could sense it. It wasn't from almost being taken by force from the crew, she was hiding something. He would damn well make sure he found out what it was. "Stay here for now until I return OK?" He told her knowing she would do as told. He was sure she didn't want another run in with the crew. She just nodded to him to scared to speak up. Lucian grabbed a white shirt throwing it on and heading out the door. He needed to find Jonathan. They were old time buddy's and he needed someone to clear his head of the little temptress he held in his cabin down bellow. Jon was on the top deck over looking the crew. "Jon we need to talk about the little miss down bellow" Lucian told his friend. "What's there to say she needs to get somewhere it seems let her stay we can't go back now" Jonathan said. Lucian knew this but he still wondered. "What should I do with her though Jon, so far it's just doing woman's work" he told his first mate. Jonathan smiled "that's all we can do my friend she'll be gone by new York" he said. Jonathan went back to work and Lucian went down to see the crew he needed to give them a good pep talk. "Men come together!" He yelled to the men. They didn't need to be told twice. They all came forth to him ready to hear him speak. "As you have found out we a have a young lady aboard the ship, no one it to touch miss Turner. She is here to see to little things such as sewing clothes and taking care for woman's things." He said to them. "Oye that mean she'll see to every thing a woman should" one of the crew said. His smile was dirty, Lucian couldn't stand the way they talked of rosalind. He wanted to slit the man's throat. "NO MAN TOUCHES HER UNDERSTOOD!" Lucian yelled to the crew. They nodded some yelling yes captain. Lucian nodded "very good go about your work". Lucian went back down to his cabin he now had a young miss rosalind Turner to see too. 

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