chapter 16

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The tide was not on Lucians side. Not one bit. They were falling behind yet Edward was getting closer and closer to land.

Lucian wasn't very happy it was getting closer to 3 weeks and they hadn't gotten to them. What if they never did?

His heart ached for her. He couldn't look at anyone and not think of her. She was his true love and he threw her aside.

Jonathan had become closer to the new girl who Lucian had known as cookies daughter bea. (For those who don't know how to pronounce it. Bea is said like bee)

Lucian was happy that his friend was warming up to a woman. Even if she had a child. Jon never got close to woman he didn't see a point in marriage nether did Lucian at one point. Now here they both are.

Lucian left the deck where he stood and went to his cabin.

He had been spending more time alone. He was trying to find a way to speed things up. There wasn't much he could do. Unless Edwards ship hits a storm they would beat them to England.

Rosalind laid on the floor. She shook from the feeling of illness in her stomach. Was it seasickness? She didn't have it on Lucians ship at all. So why now?

It was becoming hard for her to keep food down now. She needed to eat and she tried. It was impossible though.

Edward caught wind that she was getting sick and came to see her more.  Rosalind then hated it even more. Why would he care enough to see her? He didn't really say much just watched her looking her over as if she were nothing. Then leave.

She didn't mind though what ever made him leave faster. She hated the man more and more everyday. He was awful and gross.

Maybe there was a small chance that she could escape or jump ship. Jumping ship wasn't the best idea but when the docked she could run? She hadn't lost a ton of weight like she thought so maybe she could have the strength.

Here where so many ideas rushing through her mind. Would she have a chance to run? If she did where would she go. She was known in England. This was why she left to new York so she had a chance.

Time felt like it wasn't passing since rosalind never left the room. The only good time was when lijah came to bring her food. She hadn't seen the girl much anymore. Another man had been bringing her food.

In the moments she thought about it the door opened. A man older looking walked in placed the food down and turned to leave.

"Wait sir, may I ask a question?"

The man turned and looked at rosalind he looked a bit scared to answer but nodded.

"What happened to the young girl lijah?"

His face turned pale and still. What was it he knew?

"She is gone my lady, captain had his way and she died in her sleep" he told rosalind tears began to fall down his face.

It felt as if everything was stopping. Edward was a monster! He used the girl and killed her! All for what his personal needs.

Rosalind didn't stop to hold the tears back. She let them fall.

Edward came into the room. He looked angry with the man who told her the truth.
2 more men came in and took him away. Leaving Edward and rosalind alone.

"My dearest you must not cry over such petitte people. Should not sink to such levels. She was a whore nothing more then that. But I guess you would know." 

Edwards words brought her back to her mind. Had he called her the whore? What rights did he have? 

"I am no whore! And nether was she. You made her into such a creature" rosalind yelled at Edward.

She stood to face him. She wouldn't let him talk down to her. 

"You are a lying bitch too it seams. Any man on ship can tell your with child! Your a filthy whore, how many men have you been laying with?"

Rosalind was shocked by his words. She couldn't be pregnant she would know. It didn't seem possible but it was.

Rosalind let her has fall to the soft part of her stomach. She had last laid with lucian almost 6 weeks now. That was closer to 2 almost 3 months.

"When we get to England your money will be mine and that bastard killed. Feed him to the wild dogs for all I care" he spat at her. Rosalind stepped back.

Edward would really kill a child!

He turned and slammed the door leaving her alone. Rosalind sunk down scared and alone. She needed to escape as soon as they docked. She wouldn't let Edward win.

Beatrice walked around the deck most days. She enjoyed the fresh air and taking William out. She also enjoyed the view but not just of the sea. Jonathan would be out sometimes without a shirt if it was hot.

Be found herself quite attracted to him. She just couldn't bring herself to tell him.

Jonathan had been letting bea and William sleep in his bed even though bea insisted on him staying put. Jonathan was a gentleman though he wasn't going to let the mother and child sleep with the crew.

Maybe it was time to step up and tell Jonathan what she felt for him. It was now or never. Bea went over to her father down below and gave him William. He enjoyed quality time with his grandson.

Jonathan was in his room so bea went up. Her nerves were everywhere. She stood in front of the door. This was it.

She knocked.

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