chapter 12

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Rosalind woke up in a happy little bliss. After a long night of Lucian ravishing over her over and over again she knew she had to stay.

How did one ask or better yet how did one hint to it. She slipped from bed dressing herself and washing. She left her blonde curls to fall lose and natural. Lucian must have gone put but would be back at any second. What did she say what did she do?

The thought time was cut short as the door swung open. A bit of shock filled the young girl Lucian normally knocked. His face was filled with anger as he looked at her. What had she done?

"Lucian what ever is the matter"?

He looked at her with anger "you" he said pointing to her. "You lying little bitch you used me! Your betrothed! To the Duke of winchester!"

Rosalind felt her heart stop as the words left Lucians mouth. Edward was her?! In new did he find her did Lucian tell him she was here!

"I can explain....please let me" she begged.

Lucian didn't look like he would give her the time of day, but he did. He pointed to chair and forced her to sit. Rosalind took in a deep breath letting it out as she told her story.

"My real name is rosalind cartel, my father sold me to Edward winchester. He's an awful man though I could never be his wife so I left. I didn't think I would meet you though Lucian never in my years! I was going to live her or move on but I met you and my world changed"

Lucians face didn't was hard and unloving. Did he not love her?

"I will not hand you over to him but I will not protect you anymore. Your to leave and never come back." Lucian said turning his back to her.

Roslind felt her heart stop. The only sound that could be heard was the soft patter of rain on the deck. "Lucian please I love you though don't do this." She begged.

"Love it's childish how could I ever love you" he spat at her his words were like venom. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes. He couldn't mean his words could he?

"Leave now lady cartel before I change my mind and give you over to winchester."

Rosalind rose from the chair and headed to the door. She paused and looked over her shoulder one last time. "I am sorry Lucian.....I love you" she said letting the tears leave her eyes.

The rain fell softly but was still chill. Rosalind only had the dress on her back. She walked past everyone on deck even Jonathan. He called after her but she ran after hitting ground. She had no idea where to go but she needed to get away fast.

Jonathan yelled after to the young girl. It was too late she was gone. How could she leave what did Lucian do. Jonathan grew to like rosalind he knew how happy she made Lucian. Why was she leaving?

Jonathan made his way down to Lucians cabin. He didn't bother knocking he let himself in. "What in bloody hell did you do to that girl lucian"

Lucian sat at his desk looking to a ring that sat in a small box. It was a small diamond meant to be a wedding ring. Lucian held a bottle of rum in hand chugging it back. "You mean to say what did she do to me." He spat at him.

Lucian had started drinking as soon as she left. The little bitch lied to him used him. How could she truly love him if she lied. He was a duke not some peasant man. "Lucian she's a young girl who loved you. Don't let her wrongs stop you from saving her"

Jonathans words touched him. He was right....but she lied how did he trust her. The moment she left played over in his head as she cried. As she said she was sorry and that she loved him.

She would never know now that he loved her. That he wanted to marry her. For all he knew winchester had found her. They could be sailing back to London by now.

There was still a chance that she got away. Lucian still had to have hope. He stood up grabbing his cloke and headed out.

Rosalind ran the rain had soaked her wet to the bone. She had no where to go but she needed to be far away and hidden. She walked up to a near by pub. It had rooms upstairs for rent but she had no money to offer anyone.

The girl at the front looked close to her age with dark hair that curled lose around her shoulders. She looked to be quite tired as if she stayed up late into the night.

"Um excuse me miss" rosalind was scared to make any sudden move meant.

"Yes miss can I help you?" The girl asked calmly.

"Is there any way I could work just for a room I have no money to my name I just need a nights rest"

Rosalind had never begged but at this point she had to. The girl smiled to her but it faded. "There are no rooms available but come with me I can help you" she said to her.

The girl led her up the stairs to a hidden area. "This is my room where me and my son stay but you may stay with us" she told her.

Rosalind was shocked to hear she had a son. She looked so young and innocent. Rosalind took the time to study her closer. The dress hugged her body more showing off her motherly figure. She had wider hips and fuller breasts. She was still as beautiful as ever. She looked oddly familer.

The room wasn't huge but it was warm and dry. In the corner a basket held a small figure. As she said her son laid asleep inside. He had her face  and dark hair.

"Are you sure your husband won't mind" rosalind asked. She felt odd asking but it was a question she needed an answer too.

The girl put her head down and closed the door. "I am unwed miss" the girl told her. She looked ashamed of her actions but she picked her son up. She loved him truly and rosalind could see that.

"I am sorry I didn't mean to pry"

"Do not be sorry miss. Please though call me bea it's short for beatrice"....

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