chapter 22

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OK guys so this is a short chapter but that's cause I wanted to build up the edge a bit😅.
Hope you enjoy it a lot!

Rosalind normally would have told Lucian to run save himself. Things were different though. His mother was involved and the baby.

Lucian didn't smile he kept a straight face on Edward.

Thomas came in beside Lucian along with Jonathan. No one moved an inch more then the door.

Edward kept his pistol on Rosalind but slowly moved it down to the bump the grew on her stomach.

"So Lucian we can make this easy or hard what would you rather. I for one would rather easy so I can move on and marry the little tramp" Edward said with an evil smile.

He was trying to get Lucian to budge but he wouldn't. Rosalind could tell it was taking Lucian all not to kill Edward.

"Let her and my mother go they don't need be part of this" Lucian barked.

Edward frowned

"The old bat over there have her she's worthless to me. Rosalind her though no can do but if you make this easy for me I'll let you have the little bastard when he's born" 

Lucian was burning with anger and rosalind knew it.

Jonathan came over and took his mother out of the room. The woman didn't say a word.

Lucian raised his pistol up pointing it at Edward. 

"Let her go or I will kill you" lucian growled.

"If I don't you'll do what? Because the way I see it she will be dead before you can't fire".

Rosalind couldn't stop herself from crying anymore. Tears started to fall down her cheeks.

"Stop crying you little tramp" Edward barked at her. Rosalind spat in his face. In return Edward backhanded her cheek.

Before Rosalind could process full what happened shots fired in the room.

Lucian fired a bullet the same time Edward shot one. 2 people fell to the ground.

Bea paced around the ship a nervous wreck. How much longer would they be? Was Jonathan OK was Rosalind? 

Her new best friend was around 4 months pregnant. She stood by her side for everything. She knew the struggles of pregnancy.

She worried about her now. When Lucian found out Jonathan had been tricked they were gone.

Jonathan too had just gotten marriage papers for her and him. Rosalind and Lucian still waited. It wouldn't be the wedding of her dreams but it would be the man.

William came up in the arms of cookie. He loved his little grandson. William adored cookie too Bea was glad. It made it easier to have some more alone time. As much as she loved the babe she needed time away from him.

Time was passing by rather fast and no one was returning. Bea couldn't take waiting anymore. The young mother went to the cabin she shared with Jonathan and took some coins should kept from working.

"Pa can you watch William I am going to find jonathan"

Cookie gave her an unsure look.

"Beatrice maybe you should stay put it could be better for you"

She hated when he used her full name it meant he was serious. She had to be brave now though.

"No I am going to find them" she said and left him alone with William. 

At the docks many coach's waiting to be hired waited by the docks. Bea went and requested one take her to greyland Manor. 

She didn't know where the place was but she knew they would. Lucians family was a known one.

The ride felt longer then ever. Her stomach turned at the thought of Jonathan being hurt. The ride felt long and bumpy what if she was taken to the wrong place?

She peaked her head to look at the beautiful towns houses that passed.  Growing up she didn't have such a nice home. They didn't even own it they rented it.

Her father never made much but it put food on the table. She thought back to the night she been kidnapped. The man wanted to sell her off in new York but made new plans. When they arrived he found she was with child and left her.

If it wasn't for the place sher found work with she would have died. The lady who owned it was kind. She helped her birth the babe and kept her to work. Bea never thought she find her family again.

She had rosalind to thank for her new found happiness.

" aye miss we are here " the driver said.

Bea hadn't even notice they stopped.
She got out and payed the driver. Rain poured down in the dark night sky.

Before bea could fully thank the driver he was gone.

He dress had soaked through from the rain by now. She made her way towards the house. It was dark like no one was home.

She walked up the steps slowly until the sound of gun fire went off.

She took no time taking off into a full sprint. She ran inside looking around to where the sound might have come from.

Light came from what looked to be a study. She ran full forced through the door and screamed at the sight before her.

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