I Can't Decide

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Sock and Jonathan had finally gotten home, both somewhat hot from the sun. "Ill be right back, I gotta do something real quick." Jonathan said, racing upstairs. "Okay, I'll be down here when you get back!" Sock called after him. He walked around Jonathan's living room. He never really paid much attention to it before now. It was just like any other ordinary living room, with a couch and a recliner somewhat in the corner, a TV with cable, and a coffee table in the middle. Sock sat down on the couch, starting to get lost in thought......
"So, Sowachowski." Sock jumped slightly, and looked up to see Mephistopheles sitting in the recliner. "How long are you going to let this one last? You don't like him, do you?" "Well, uh, I-" Sock struggled to reply. "Napoleon, look. He just has to die sometime. Hopefully soon. If you can't do it, Ill fire you." Sock tried to speak up, but Mephistopheles cut him off. "That... wasn't a pun." Sock looked down and sighed. "You know, Sowachowski, Hell's renovations are almost done. Once they are, some more deamonary positions are going to open up. And If you can't stick to your job, Ill have you replaced." "Fired? Replaced?" Sock squeaked. "No... that can't happen!" "Then try and hurry up kid, cause you don't have much longer." Sock nodded, sad about the news. In a snap, Mephistopheles was gone. I can't decide whether I want him to live or die... Jonathan came downstairs just then, and Sock ran over to him and gave him a tight hug, holding back tears. "Hey, what's wrong?" Jonathan asked, hugging him back. "If you don't die, Ill never see you again." Sock sniffed, pulling away from the hug and looking up at Jonathan. "But I want you to live. I want you to live and have the life I never did." Jonathan sighed and looked down. "Dont worry. Things will work themselves out.... Hopefully."

//okay so plot twist kind of! Dun dun duuuun! Did you anime fans like my Tokyo ghoul reference in the last part? The, "let's go home".  Also, the title of this part, "I can't decide" is a song up forget who the artist is but go check it out. Also I know scene with Mephistopheles and Sock isn't accurate to the video, I wanted to try and do it my own way, only using some dialogue from the original video. Anyways I'm trying to make up for the time that I've been gone, and trying to add more to the story but have it still work out and make sense. Also I love seeing all of your guy's reaction and it makes me want to keep writing, so thanks for the support. Also I've noticed that so many people like the story but no one's actually following me? I mean like you don't have to but I find it kind of odd? Oh well. Till the next part!

Unexpected - Sock x Jonathan- Welcome to Hell- Now including the sequel "Dreams"Where stories live. Discover now