Who Knows

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//I just want to tell you guys now I have NO idea how I'm going to work this out, I don't have drafts for my stories, I just write them. I never expected to write a plot twist like that, but now I get to work it out. I will do my absolute best! And sorry that the parts are REALLY short :(

Sock hugged Jonathan and started crying. Jonathan hugged him back tightly, sighing. This all kind of depended on him. Either he could live and never see Sock again, or die, not living the life Sock never had. If only things were different... Sock rested his head on Jonathan's shoulder, sniffling a little. "Jonathan, do you have a fear of the alphabet?" Jonathan was kind of sho led from that question. "No, why?" "No reason." They released their hug, and moved to the couch, each sitting close to the other and Jonathan putting his arm around Sock. "If you got fired Sock, wouldn't you still be able to come see me? You just wouldn't have to try to get me to die." "No. Unfortunately, I don't think it works that way." "Oh..ok"
"Maybe.... there's a way I could get my soul back from Mephistopheles? So I could be alive again?"
"How would you do that though? Wouldn't you have to complete some weird task or whatever?"
"Well according to you I'm the definition of weird, so it shouldn't be too hard." Sock smiled, and Jonathan smiled back. "Well then, maybe that'll work."

Unexpected - Sock x Jonathan- Welcome to Hell- Now including the sequel "Dreams"Where stories live. Discover now