Chapter Seven.

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After finding out that Stephanie & Shane had died, Brie & AJ ran around the mansion, trying to find the Living Room. They've searched everywhere, searched through every way of the mansion but they still haven't found the Living Room. They did not even saw anyone around the house, they thought that it was empty until they heard whispering from somewhere. Brie & AJ quickly followed the sudden whispering from the mansion.

*Living Room*

They finally arrived to the Living Room, where they heard the sudden whispering. Everyone was already gathered in there, except for Melina.
Maxine: *breathes heavily* Have you seen my sister?
Michelle McCool: Maybe she's still asleep in her bedroom.
Maxine: I better go check on her, I am getting worried for her. *trails off*
Derrick Bateman: *follows after Maxine*
Trish Stratus: Anyway, is everyone here?
Chris Jericho: Actually, no.
Trish Stratus: Who is still not here then?
Chris Jericho: Stephanie & Shane.
Trish Stratus: Hmm... Christian, go check on Stephanie & Shane.
Christian: Right away. *walks off*
Everyone: *starts panicking*
Trish Stratus: Everyone, calm down. Christian will be back with Stephanie & Shane, we just need to wait and calm ourselves down.
Angelina Love: *snap* You know what? I am tired of your 'calm down' shit, Trish! Some of the other people here are already dead and you want to calm down?! How ridiculous!
Mickie James: *defends Trish* You have a better idea then?
Angelina Love: I actually do. *smirks*
Brie Bella: Can I have everyone's attention please?
Everyone: *turns to Brie*
AJ Lee: Uh... We have some news.
Brie Bella: *sighs* Stephanie & Shane won't come here with Christian...
Trish Stratus: What do you mean, sweetie?
AJ Lee: Stephanie & Shane are already...
Christian: *runs back to the group before AJ could continue to speak* Guys, Stephanie & Shane are dead...!
Everyone: *gasps and starts panicking again*
Trish Stratus: Calm down, everyone! *turns to Christian* What happened to them?
Christian: I found them on the heat mattress, dead. The heat on their bad was on max and the bed was wet, they must've been electrocuted to death.
Angelina Love: *overhears and gasps* We're all doomed...!
Brooke Hogan: *steps on Angelina's foot, shutting her up*
Angelina Love: *winces* What the hell was that for?!
Brooke Hogan: Shut up...
Candice Michelle: I am too hot to die!
???: *thoughts* Too hot? *smirks* Perfect timing...
Trish Stratus: We need to all calm down and just stay put...!
Candice Michelle: *snaps* To hell with your 'calm down' plan, I'm out of here!
Victoria: I'm with you, girl.
Molly Holly: Same here.
Candice Michelle: Let's go girls, let's leave these losers here to die. *walks away*
Victoria & Molly Holly: *follows Candice*
Mickie James: Be careful girls! The killer might go on you...!
Candice Michelle: Shut up!
???: *follows after the three arrogant girls*


Maxine worriedly walked down the hallway and arrived in front of the bathroom, where Maxine last seen her sister. Maxine: *faces the door and knocks on the door*
Maxine: *knocks on the door again* Sis? *knocks on the door again* Sis?
Out of frustration, Maxine got angry and she knocks the door down. She collapses down to the ground but quickly gets up, she lets out a loud gasp and her eyes started to water as she saw her sister's dead body. Maxine slowly approached her dead sister and saw a plugged in hair drier inside the tub, she cried and ran out of the bathroom. She slammed the door closed and leaned on the wall beside the door, she slid down and sat on the ground. She buries her face into her hands and she cried, cried over the fact that her sister was dead. A few minutes later, someone had stood in front of Maxine and she uncovers her face. She rubs her eyes and sees her ex boyfriend, Derrick Bateman. She huffs and continues to cry, Derrick sat beside her and tried to hug her but Maxine jerks herself away from Derrick. In the end, Maxine cried on Derrick's chest.
Derrick Bateman: What's the matter sweetheart? Why're you crying?
Maxine: My sister... S-she's dead.
Derrick Bateman: It's going to be okay sweetheart, I'm here.
Maxine: *sniffles and looks at Derrick* I... I love you.
Derrick Bateman: *smiles* I love you too Karlee. *kisses her softly*
Maxine: *wraps her arms around Derrick's neck and kisses back*



??? used his/her speed and got to the Garage before the three lovely ladies could enter. ??? started looking around the Garage and saw three handcuffs and a box of matches, he/she keeps the handcuffs and box of matches in his/her back pocket and hides behind the parked car. A few moments later, Molly, Candice & Victoria enters the Garage and locks the door for security. They then started removing their clothes and seducing each other, Victoria then kissed Candice and Candice quickly kissed back. Molly kissed down Candice's neck and they started kissing one another, ??? spots them and uses his/her mind powers on the three ladies. Victoria, Molly & Candice's minds were in ??? control now.
???: *takes the handcuffs off of his/her back pocket* Put these on.
Candice Michelle: *takes the handcuffs and cuffs Victoria and herself*
Molly Holly: *takes the second handcuffs and cuffs herself and Candice*
Victoria: *takes the third handcuffs and cuffs herself and to a strong pole near some tools*
??? smirks and he/she uses her mind breaker to break open the oil. The oil can eventually breaks open and the oil spilled all over Molly, Victoria & Candice. ??? takes the box of matches out of his/her back pocket and lights one matchstick.
???: Goodbye girls. *smirks and throws the lit matchstick on the oiled ladies*
The three ladies snapped out of their trance and quickly screams in pain. The fire quickly got to them three and they collapsed on the floor, their skin all burned. They burned to death...
???: *smirks and takes the can of oil for emergency, and escapes the scene*

*Living Room*

A few hours since Molly, Victoria & Candice walked out of the group. Trish is starting to worry even though thise three were disrespectful to her. Before anyone could notice, ??? arrived back to the rest of the terrified guests.
Trish Stratus: Could someone go get those three?
Christian: I'll do it. *walks away*
Angelina Love: This house is killing every single one of us, we really need to get the hell out of here!
Mickie James: No shit, Sherlock!
Trish Stratus: Break it up you two. Fighting just leads us to nothing, we will be stuck in here forever!
AJ Lee: I'm getting sleepy...
Kaitlyn: But it is still morning, April.
AJ Lee: *snores*
Kaitlyn: *laughs and looks around the group* Maxine & Derrick aren't back yet.
Trish Startus: Go look for them.
Kaitlyn: Okay... *walks off*
Seth Rollins: I want to come with you babe, I need to protect you.
Dean Ambrose: *laughs* Softie alert...!
AJ Lee: *snuggles into Dean*
Dean Ambrose: *blushes*
Seth Rollins: Softie alert...! *laughs and follows after Kaitlyn*
???: *thoughts* While I have the chance, I need to kill Kaitlyn & Seth at fast...! *follows after Kaitlyn & Seth*


As Kaitlyn & Seth walked down the hallway, Kaitlyn remembers something important that she left in their bedroom.
Kaitlyn: Babe, I forgot something in the room.
Seth Rollins: Come on then, let's go get it.
Kaitlyn & Seth turned around and walked to their bedroom, closing the door. Meanwhile, ??? had arrived to where Kaitlyn & Seth last stood. He/she then takes out a can of oil that he/she took a while ago and he/she pours the oil all over the floor, he/she throws the can away and hides behind a tall plant, all ??? needs to do it wait. A few minutes later, Kaitlyn & Seth walked out of the bedroom and was about to walk down the hallway but they both slipped down and they collapsed to the floor, they landed on their spines and they couldn't move. ??? takes a matchstick from the matchbox he/she took and lights it up, he/she then threw the lit matchstick on the oiled floor and a fire quickly blared up. Kaitlyn & Seth screamed in pain as they got burned, their skins were starting and a few minutes later, they both died. The alarm went on and the water sprinkles from the ceilings turned on, taking the fire out. ??? smirks in success and runs away, leaving Seth & Kaitlyn's burned bodies.
Death Chart:
✔️ Zack Ryder
✔️ Natalya
✔️ JoJo Offerman
✔️ John Morrison
✔️ Hulk Hogan
✔️ Torrie Wilson
✔️ Eva Marie
✔️ Lita (Amy)
✔️ Stephanie McMahon
✔️ Shane McMahon
✔️ Melina
✔️ Kaitlyn
✔️ Seth Rollins
✔️ Victoria
✔️ Candice Michelle
✔️ Molly Holly


A/N: Chapter Seven!

Dedicated To @JonMoxleyGirl...!

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