Chapter Sixteen.

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*Indoor Gym*

The group had arrived to where the scream was heard, and they were all shocked to see AJ. She had a fireball in hand, and Alicia was her next victim, the poor girl sat in the corner in total fear as AJ was about to hit the ball of fire at her.

Dean Ambrose: Babe, don't do it! You're not a killer!

AJ jerked her head to see her boyfriend and friends, her eyes pure of hatred and the skin on her left cheek was peeling off due to the heat in her body.

AJ Lee: *growls*

Randy Orton: AJ, don't do this!

Alicia Fox: Yes, please don't kill me! *cries*

AJ's face softened as the group believed that AJ had calmed down, but AJ smirked evilly and grabbed Alicia's hair. The group tried to consult with the mentally-unstable girl, but AJ just wouldn't listen. AJ wrapped her hand around Alicia's shirt and rose her above the air, she roared loudly and the fireball on her hand began glowing brighter.

Roman Reigns: *thinks* Shit, that ball is strong.

Emma: Come on AJ, please!

AJ Lee: *smirks, talks in a deep-voiced tone* Say goodbye.

Dean Ambrose: AJ, wait!

AJ smirked and dug the fireball in Alicia's stomach.

Emma: *covers mouth* Oh my gosh!

Alicia cried in agony as the ball began burning her from the inside, blood ran down her mouth as Alicia cried. AJ growled and threw Alicia across the room, Alicia's body was being eaten alive by the fire until all that's left of her are her ashes.

Emma: *begins crying*

AJ jerks her head at the group, she smirked and began to slowly walk over to them.

AJ Lee: You're all next.

The words dug deep in the group as they froze in fear. AJ laughed sadistically as her walking pace increased, Dean then steps in front of everyone to face AJ.

Randy Orton: Dude, what the hell are you doing?

Dean Ambrose: Just shut up and run!

Emma: But Dean--

Dean Ambrose: I said run! Leave! I'll handle this!

Roman Reigns: We just can't leave you here, Dean!

Dean Ambrose: Just go and hide! I'll be okay, I promise!

Emma: *begins crying* D-Dean...!

Dean Ambrose: I said fucking leave! I can handle my own girl!

Roman, Dolph & Randy all nodded but Emma did not want to leave Dean. Emma hugged Dean from behind as Roman pulled her off.

Roman Reigns: Let's go, Em!

Emma cried as Randy & Roman pulled her out of the room, Dean sighed and faced his ever-so-lovely yet crazy girlfriend. He thought of how he can keep AJ from killing his friends, he looked at his girlfriend and felt bad about her skin peeling off. He closed his eyes and sighed, there's no time for crying,

Dean Ambrose: Come on, where the hell is my beautiful girlfriend? I want her now!

AJ Lee: *smirks and stops walking* You mean the pathetic girl who's too nice to protect her own damn self? *chuckles* That pathetic piece of shit is gone, this is the real AJ now!

Dean Ambrose: Come on AJ, I know you're still there! Please, please come back to normal!

AJ took a step closer as Dean looked at AJ lovingly, he missed AJ so badly that he'll stop at nothing to bring her back.

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