Chapter Fifteen.

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A few hours of searching had passed but the group had failed to find a thing. They all decided to continue the search tomorrow and hit the hay.

Emma: Where can I sleep?

Roman Reigns: You can sleep on AJ's bed for now.

Dolph Ziggler: Yeah. You need to stay with us from now on, you're a valuable member here.

Emma: I'm a valuable member?

Roman Reigns: What he means is, since you've experienced many things with us, I think it'd be best if you stick with us from now on. That way, you don't have to freaking die and you still can help us with the search.

Emma: Okay. Makes sense now, I guess.

Everyone went to their beds and Roman shuts the lights off. Everyone went asleep, except for Dean. Dean still couldn't take his mind off of AJ, a possibility that his skipping princess is dead. As Dean laid on his bed, he cried silently as he clutched the bloody crop top on his chest.

Dean Ambrose: *weeps silently* I'll avenge you, AJ. *sniffles* I promise...

Emma: Dean?

Dean wiped the tears away and sat up on his bed, he averted his eyes towards Emma with tears running down his face.

Dean Ambrose: What's wrong, Em?

Emma: I couldn't sleep. So I might as well have a conversation with you.

Dean Ambrose: I freaking miss her.

Emma: Dean?

Dean Ambrose: *looks at Emma* What?

Emma: How much do you love AJ?

Dean Ambrose: I'd give her anything she wants, I'd give her the world, my life.

Emma: *smiles and hugs Dean* Don't worry, AJ's still alive. I can feel it. *smiles*

Dean Ambrose: *smiles a bit and sniffles* Thanks for trying to cheer me up, Em.

Emma: No problem. Now, let's get some sleep. We have a full day of searching to do tomorrow. Just remember this Dean, AJ's alive and she'll be happy to be your wife. I know we can never rebuild our lives like the way they used to be but I think after this fiasco is over, we can start our lives all over again. Just like you & AJ, you can get married after this whole thing is done. Just think positive, Dean.

Dean Ambrose: *smiles* That's the corniest thing I have ever heard, yet the sweetest thing anyone has ever told me.

Emma: *giggles* I know. I'm glad I finally cheered you up.

Dean Ambrose: *nods and smiles* Night, Em.

Emma: Night, Ambrose.

| The Next Day |

Emma's eyes fluttered open as the sun rays hit her on the face. She sat up on her bed and saw that everyone else was already awake. Emma rubbed her eyes and let out a groggy yawn as she outstretched her arms and legs.

Emma: *sighs* A full week inside this mansion, I don't think I can last here much longer.

Dean Ambrose: *smiles* Morning, Emma.

Emma: *smiles back* Morning, Ambrose.

Roman Reigns: *groans* Oh God, I can't keep on dreaming about her every single freaking night!

Emma: What's wrong?

Roman Reigns: *sighs* Ever since Layla died, I keep on having dreams about her. I miss her so much, I regret ever cheating on her.

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