Chapter Twelve.

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A/N: I reached 5K reads on this book. Thank you so much guys! And, I had 24 votes and 40 comments on Chapter Twelve. I can't really express how happy I am! I just want to hug you all. Anyway, this chapter is dedicated to all of you for reading & supporting this book! Enough chit-chatting, time for the story!

E N J O Y ! ! !



With AJ still on a rampage, Dean & the group were starting to get tired from following after her.

Dean Ambrose: *pants* April... *pants* Baby... Wait up! *pants*

Roman Reigns: I can't go on anymore, I'm tired...

Randy Orton: Yeah, me too.

Dolph Ziggler & Tamina Snuka: Us too!

Dean Ambrose: We can't stop now, AJ might do something very unimaginable.

Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, Tamina Snuka, Roman Reigns: *falls asleep*

Dean Ambrose: Must. Stay. Awake. For. April... *falls asleep*

| The Next Day |

|Emma's Bedroom|

The sun's rays were slowly filling the mansion and it hit Emma on the face. She lets out a groan and turns around to see no sign of Mike anywhere. Her eyes widened and she looked around the room, Mike's not anywhere in sight. Emma sat up from the bed, scratching her head while she yawned softly. She extended her arms around, flailing them in the process.

Emma: Mike? Baby, where are ya?

No response. Emma just shrugged and figured that Mike was just with his buddies downstairs, she stood up from her bed and walked to the bathroom. She turned the knob of faucet and fixed her hair before she splashed the freezing water on her face, she shivered but grabbed her toothbrush and put toothpaste on it before brushing her pearly whites. Afterwards, she tied her hair into a neat ponytail and wiped her entire face. Emma smiled at herself, feeling happy and scared to start the day. Happy because she'll have the chance to act like a detective and stop a killer. Scared because she's thinking that the killer might go on her. After a while of preparing, she was fully dressed and went out of the bedroom.


Dean Ambrose: Get out of the way!

Emma looked directly at where the voice came from but she was tackled by someone and they both fell down to the ground. Emma groaned in pain as she struggled to get up, Dean stood up and helped Emma up. Emma rubbed her aching back and looked at him and his friends in anger.

Emma: What the hell was that for?! *rubs her back in pain*

Dean Ambrose: No time to explain! Just come with us! *grabs her hand and runs off*

Emma: Whoa! What's going on!

Roman Reigns: Just keep running, Emma!

Emma just agreed on and ran as fast as she could, still unaware of what was going on.

???: *sees them from a corner and begins to think* What're they running from? *shrugs and follows after them*

*Third Hallway*

AJ was totally out of control. She kept on charging fire balls and burning anything and everything to the ground, she just finished burning Mr. McMahon's office, where she violently killed the man & his wife, Linda McMahon, and left the office, scorching hot. Now, AJ wanted to burn the entire mansion down, starting off where the most powerful fire supply is... The furnace. She stormed down the third hallway, leaving the concrete floor with footprints of burned wood. Meanwhile, the group had followed her and saw the burned concrete footprints. As they planned on following after AJ once again, Emma protested.

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