*chapter 3*

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When Kellin sees Oliver, he grips my hand tightly and pulls me to the opposite side of the room, to a lab table made for two. God, Kellin! I just met the guy today! Also, he seems to be forgetting that we have a three year history! He's never been this jealous before.

Oliver gives me a confused look, but I shrug at him. Kellin glares at Oliver the entire three minutes before the final bell rang.

"Kellin, what's your problem?" I whisper to my jealous boyfriend.

"What's my problem? He-", Kellin says while nodding at Oliver. "He is staring at you like there is no tomorrow, and he knows you're with me."

Well... "I never mentioned it to him, not until he saw us holding hands right then."

Kellin glanced at me, but fixed his jealousy-filled blue-green eyes on Oliver.

"Seriously, Anna? Do you want him now? Instead of me?" Kellin growls. I'm taken aback by Kellin's ridiculous accusation.

"Kellin! Seriously? You're getting worked up over absolutely nothing. I just met Oliver. You and I never argue like this. Please, just calm down. I will tell him that I'm not interested if that will make you less angry with me'" I say, agitated that I have to discuss this with him in Biology.

The angry flush leaves his cheeks, and his breathing regulates. "Anna, I'm sorry. It's just, I don't want you to leave me for someone else. Not when we have our whole lives planned out together."

I smile at his cute gesture and at the fact he has calmed down over such a petty thing we were arguing over.

"I love you," I say, kissing his warm cheek.

I look up and see the Biology teacher, Ms. Smiley staring at me with a frown. Maybe she's not as 'smiley' as her name makes one think.

"Sorry..," I mutter.

Oliver smirks at me, which I see in my peripheral vision.

For the remaining time of the boring Biology class period, Kellin stares straight ahead, nothing making him turn his head, or making his breathing irregular.


Ding, ding, ding.

The final bell rang and Kellin gripped my waist when we reached the door.

"I love you, Anna. Meet me in the parking lot after school so I can give you a ride home. See you soon," Kellin says.

"Love you," I say quietly.

Even though we are okay again, I'm still upset at the fact Kellin thinks I'd cheat on him with Oliver. I seriously just met him. I've known Kellin for three and a half years. I roll my green eyes and pull my thick, curly brown hair back into an elastic band.

"Hey," I hear a familiar voice say.

"Hey, Oliver," I say back, mimicking his heavy British accent.

Oliver joins me on my walk to fourth period, Creative Writing. "Do you know we have this class together?" I ask Oliver.

"Typical American answer would be: Duh, so 'duh,'" he says, mocking Americans.

His bash at Americans caused me to burst out in laughter. Soon after, Oli was laughing at himself. We made faces at each other and laughed the remainder of the way to Creative Writing.

"Good morning, Seniors! Please be seated!" Mr. Mills announces, his eyes filled with joy.

Oliver and I sit by each other, considering he knows me and nobody else yet.

"Seniors, seniors," Mr. Mills starts. "I welcome you all here, considering I selected what students I desired to have in my class. I believe each of you have the potential to do something with your writing. Every student in this room is an astounding writer, whether it be poetry, fictional masterpieces, or an amazing history essay. The main goal for this school year is to get your future in line. You are all seniors, so you should
already be thinking about your future. This class should lead you to success in your AP Literature class and in your career future," Mr. Mills preaches.

Oliver looks inspired after hearing Mr. Mills's pep-talk about everyone's future.

I'm not going to lie, I am a good writer. I wouldn't gloat about it to everyone, because there is always room for improvement.

"Do you write?" I ask Oli.

He hesitates for a minute, then speaks quietly. "Yeah. I write... poetry. That's why I got a scholarship to this school."

Payne High is not a private school, its more of a magnet school for the Arts. There are two ways of entry: By scholarship or by audition. Auditions are very strict. You can audition with an essay, with art, or perform a song or two for the administrators.

Mitch, for example, wrote his own song called 'Wake Up', and performed it for the principal. 'Wake Up' isn't a singing song; its mainly growl vocals or screaming but good altogether.

Kellin was accepted when he sang 'Forget You' by Cee Lo Green.

I was a scholarship kid, like Oliver. I write fiction and poetry. I used it as a way to express my pain when Serena Kowl was bullying me. Now, I write for fun.

"I bet it's really good," I tell Oli. Anna, you should tell Oliver you have a boyfriend. Don't give him the wrong idea.

"Thanks, would you like to read a bit of it?" he says, hope in his eyes.

"Yeah, I would love to! I write, too. Poetry and a bit of fiction," I explain. "My boyfriend, Kellin, he sings. That's why he isn't in this writing class."

When I mention Kellin, Oli's jaw tightens and his eyes face the front of the room.

Okay... Maybe Kellin and Oliver won't be friends like I thought. I wonder why they already hate each other so much.

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