The rest of the First Day of School went by fairly quickly even though the remaining classes were painfully boring. Oliver didn't talk to me for the remainder of the day, which was strange but expected. I saw Kellin talking to him earlier after our lunch period, and he was fuming.
I ignore the ridiculous image of Kellin scolding Oliver for talking to me and walk to the large front doors that lead to the senior parking lot.
I see Kellin leaning on the back of his small black Chevy truck. It was his dad's, but it was passed to him after his dad... committed suicide. What an awful thing to pass down.
I remember it like it was yesterday...
Kellin was driving down the long dirt road leading to his mom's log cabin. "God, I hate this damned thing," Kellin mutters while the steering wheel locks up momentarily.
"Why don't you sell it?" I ask jokingly.
Kellin gives me a serious look. "Anna, this was my dad's truck. It was his pride and glory, even though its a piece of shit," he starts, laughing at his comment. "My dad committed suicide about three years ago and wanted this truck to be mine when I turned sixteen and got a license," he says without any emotion. "It feels like, the only thing I have left of him, ya know?"
I don't know why, but this strikes me in an emotional way.
"Stop the car," I say. Kellin glances at me hesitantly. "Stop the car," I say in a more demanding tone.Kellin pulls off to the side and dust flies behind the car and past the window with the wind. I lean over and wrap my arms around Kellin's neck. I rest my head on his shoulder and rub his back slowly.
"Kellin, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," I say, tears slowly running down my face.
Kellin pulls away and looks into my green eyes."Anna, its okay. He was never there for me. I just feel obligated to keep his car. If I dont keep it, it will go to the junker," Kellin explains.
I give Kellin a weak smile and sit back on my side of the truck. I reach for his right hand as he drives down the road and holds the steering wheel with his left.
"Anna," Kellin says. He leans off of his car and waves at me. He grabs my hand and walks me over toward a making out Mitch and Robin.I giggle and clear my throat, trying to grab their attention. Robin pulls away from Mitch, blushing a deep shade of red.
Mitch and Kellin slap hands and do that average-boy-handshake and Robin and I hug.
"So, I'll see you tomorrow Mitch?" Kellin asks casually.
"Yeaaah," Mitch says while nodding his head.
"Awesome, bye bro," Kellin says, pulling Mitch in for a quick bro-hug and looking at me.
"You ready to go?"
I nod and walk silently to Kellin's black Chevy.
After the truck is started and Kellin starts pulling out of the lot, he looks over at me. "Anna, you alright?"
Totally. You hate my new friend who is quite shy and are being a total dick to him and its only the first day of school. "Yeah," I say trying to brush him off."No, I don't think you're okay," Kellin says while stopping in front of my house. The entire fifteen minute drive to my house was silent.
"Kellin, I'm fine," I snap.
I get out of the truck and walk quickly up my driveway and open my front door.
My mother was crying hysterically. "Mom... What's wrong?""M-Mitch," she stutters. "He's d-dead," she barely gets out.
Mitch, dead? No. It can't be. No. She must be joking.
"Mom, you're joking, right?" I plead. She clutches the phone so tightly I'm surprised it hasn't broken.
Tears form in my eyes when she shakes her head.
Could Mitch..really be dead? No! The tears fall down my face as I reach for my phone in my back pocket. Does Kellin know?