*chapter 10*

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*Sorry, its been almost two days... I've been busy with my new addiction... Pokémon... I cried my eyes out. For a real tear jerker, listen to Terrible things by Mayday Parade while Reading the funeral scene. **


   "Anna!" I hear my mother yell. "You know how I feel about Kellin spending the night!" she yells, waking me up completely.

   "Mom," I whine. "We didn't do anything."

   "And?" she questions. Her blue eyes are shooting daggers at me.

   "You have school, get put of the bed," she demands.


   "I'm sorry, Ms. McAlfresh. I drove here in the afternoon and spent the not with Anna. It wasn't her idea," he explains.

   Aww. He's taking the blame. I can't wait to be see what our future holds...
   "Oh, its alright Kellin. Just, make sure it doesn't happen again, or at least let me know beforehand," she says. God, she always backs down when Kellin says something. Why can't she do the same for me?

   I push the purple comforter off of my warm body and step out of bed while reaching for my brush.

   "Thanks," I say while attempting to untangle the knots from my unruly brown hair.

  "Nah, its okay," he says. "It really was my fault because I'm the one who-," he gets cut off by me.

   "No, thanks for staying last night. I was having a rough day, so were you. So, thanks," I say, planting a kiss on his lips as I walk to my closet.

   Kellin smirks and runs his fingers through his dark hair.


                     4 Days Later.

    Mitch's funeral was scheduled on a Saturday. An odd day for a funeral, I'd say. Kellin wasn't doing well yesterday or the day before. I could understand why, but he seemed so happy a few days ago when he stayed the night with me.

   The service is held in a funeral home because Mitch's family didn't really practice a religion.


   When I step into the building, I see Mitch's mother with makeup stained tears steadily falling from her eyes. I looked around and saw red, puffy eyes on both men and women. This, of course, bring tears to my eyes because it showed how much Mitch affected everyone around him.

   I look around for Kellin. Its a hard task, considering the building is filled with sounds of crying and black blurs of people's clothing.

   Even I am wearing all black. My knee-length lacy dress is black. My flats are black, and I am wearing a black headband in my sideways braid.

   As I walk to a seat, a cold hand touches my arm. I jerk back, frightened by the sudden movement.

   "Hey," the voice says. Oliver.

   "Hey, what are you doing here?" I sniffle while giving him a friendly hug. 

   "Well, I figured I could be of some support to you, your friend Robin, and Kellin," he says. Kellin?
   "Oh, Kellin?" I ask curiously.

   Oliver hesitates. "Well, even though he can be quite... rude and blunt, I suspect everyone needs sympathy at one time or another."

   I nod suspiciously and notice Kellin in the front row of wooden chairs.

   I quickly make my way to the chair beside him. "Hey," I whisper.

   He looks up, and his eyes are bloodshot. I feel for him, I really do. I couldn't imagine losing Robin.

   A man walks to the front of the room and begins to speak.

   When he finishes, he asks if anyone would like to speak a few words about Mitch.

   I see a red-headed girl make her way up. Robin.

   Her makeup is smeared all over her face but she still manages to look beautiful.

   "Mitch... was the love of my life," she starts, taking a deep breath. "He was my best friend, and I honestly don't think I will ever move on. All of the adults in the room might think... we were some crazy teenagers lost in their own world. Well," she sighs. "You are all wrong. Every single one of you," she cries. "Mitch stopped me from suicide twice. He held me when I was done. We had a love that everyone could spend their whole lives looking for. He glued me back together every fucking time I broke down," she says. She looks up. "Mitch, I know you're up there. Please, make the angels learn from you," she says.

   By the time Robin steps back to her seat, half of the room was in tears.

   Kellin removed his hand from my knee and made his way up to the front.

   "Mitch was my brother. It doesn't matter what any of you people say, he was my brother, not just some ordinary friend," Kellin starts. "When I was bullied, Mitch beat them up. When I got my first tattoo, Mitch was there. Mitch saved me from a thorn when we were six and seven years old. But I was there for Mitch, too."


   Mitch's mother sobs out what sounds like, "Yes you were, Kel."

   From a distance, I see a tear roll down Kellin's face.

   "This world is terrible place. Losing Mitch is slowly ruining me. I may never recover from this. He was one of the few people who understood me. He was always there and he will be greatly missed.

   "He wanted to be a singer, God!" He shouts at the ceiling. "Why the hell would you take him from the world!" he screams, tears steadily falling from his eyes. "Mitch was the greatest fucking person I ever met. He was an inspiration to everyone. I hope he teaches God a few fucking things," Kellin says while walking back to his seat beside me.

   I lean over and hug him tightly while he cries into my shoulder. "Why?" he mumbles into my neck.

   "Why not me?" he cries.

*Guys, I cried my eyes out while writing this. Especially Robin's part. Okay... Vote, Comment.*

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