Chapter 8

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Her breathing grows deeper and steadier after a few moments of lying silently. I hear the vibrating of my phone and extract myself carefully so as to not wake Jade. Grabbing my phone, I see it's a New York number.

"Hello?" I say quietly as I exit the room.

"Hey, babe, it's Ellie."

Immediately I smile hearing the sound of one of my best friend's voices. I miss them both so much. "Hey, stranger."

"How's Jade doing?" she asks with concern.

I smile looking back into the room where she sleeps peacefully. "Really well. I'm hoping we'll be out of here soon. How are you?"

"Good. You know me, always busy. Anyway, I'm calling because I heard some rumors floating around about Zayn from a few of my lawyer friends."

My good mood fades instantly at the sound of his name.

"Why would you hear that?"

"When the fight between Jade and Zayn happened I asked a few to listen for your name or Zayn's."

My gut sinks. "What rumors?" I ask her, already knowing where this is going.

She sighs and I hear her shuffling some papers. "Right now he's looking for a lawyer to go after you pro bono for losses he's sustained. The engagement ring and the ring you purchased. I heard a few things about assault but no one is grabbing his case at this point. Leigh-Anne told me about the fight before Jade left. I know why you didn't want to tell me, but she knew I could help. I called in a few favors and had everyone keep an ear out. One of my friends called and I explained I have possession of evidence to show that Zayn assaulted you."

"How?" I ask quickly. What evidence does she have?

"You had some pretty nasty bruises. Leigh-Anne took photos and sent them to me. Do you want to retain me as your legal counsel?" Ellie asks.

"Of course. I wanted to tell you, but everything happened so fast and I-I just ..." I trail off not really knowing what else to say at this point.

"I know. I'm going to handle this. You don't need to worry yet. But you may want to forewarn Jade. Also I think we have a good shot at getting Zayn to back down if we can show him our proof. And it's civil at this point, but I'm concerned he'll go towards criminal for the assault if we can't get him to withdraw. Seriously, though," she pauses, "I'm very good at being scary." I can almost hear her smile at the last sentence.

I laugh, "I know all too well."

"I think you need a refresher."

"Have mercy on me. It's been a rough couple weeks."

"Fine, I'll give you this one. Go be with that sexy woman of yours. I love you."

"Love you too, Ell. We'll talk soon," I reply.

"You bet. Don't worry about a thing. I'll handle the garbage." She giggles and disconnects the call.

All of this over what? Money? A ring? When did he really become so shallow? Sure, the ring is not small, but he makes a good salary. We both do, which is why things were never difficult. It wasn't like one of us was coming into the marriage making a lot more than the other. I made a little more since my last promotion, but his company started him off higher than I did.

I shake my head and head back into the room.

"How's Ellie?" Jade asks, rubbing her eyes.

"Good. Sorry I woke you."

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