Chapter 11

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I rush out of my apartment before Leigh-Anne gets home or someone calls. I don't want anyone to know where I'm going. No one will think this is a great idea—maybe it's not—however it's what I truly think will stop this. It's time to be done with Zayn and I know him better than most. He's a chickenshit. He'll give up because he's driven by money and I have the upper hand. Ellie is a fantastic lawyer, but this can't go to court. People can't know that not only did the CEO of Raven Cosmetics beat up a man, but that man is also my ex. It'll destroy us both.

The drive over takes no time. His car is outside his house, which surprises me—I thought I'd have to wait for him. I take a deep breath and ready myself for whatever might happen. Hopefully, we'll both come out of this unscathed.

Ringing the doorbell, I suddenly start to consider this is a mistake. Shit.

The door opens and Zayn holds on to the door with his eyes narrowed. "Perrie, this is a surprise."

I place my hands in my pockets and hold on to the rings. "We have some things to settle and discuss," I say sternly. Luckily my voice doesn't give any of my fear away.

"Do we?" he asks, curling his upper lip.

"Why are you doing this? Why would you want to continue this? You've moved on, why am I not allowed the same luxury?" I say emotionless. I'm trying to keep myself in check and to not let my own anger take over.

He pushes the door open and leans against the frame. "I don't care if you move on. You have my things and I need them back. All of this could've been handled easily. I told you I needed to talk but you were being a bitch."

Shoving down the anger threatening to spill over, I remember I'm trying to get him to go away and getting into a fight with him will only make matters worse. "Listen, I'm here to talk and handle all of it, but if you'd rather act like an asshole then I'll go."

I start to turn but he speaks up. "Wait, how do you think we can settle this?"

"I have no idea. That's why I'm here. I want you to leave me alone. So what caused you to come to my apartment and assault me?" I raise my brow and step forward. I need him to see I'm not afraid. He left bruises and I can easily prove it, but I won't play that card until I have to.

He gives a short bark of a laugh. "You're confused, love. Your girlfriend broke my nose. I didn't assault anyone."

"Don't call me 'love.'" I say acidly. "Jade only kicked your ass after you grabbed me," I remind him and smile. "I'm not here to debate with you. I want to know what I have to do to get rid of you completely. Why are you doing this shit? We broke up. You made it abundantly clear you didn't want me, so why all the theatrics?"

This is the part that keeps confusing me. Things ended, I moved on, I didn't continue to make his life miserable even though I wanted to. Did I destroy some of his things? Yes, and I'd do it again. But something doesn't add up.

Zayn shifts forward with his hand in his pocket. "I need my ring back and I need the money you took from me."

"Money? This is what made you come after me?" I ask looking at him wondering how all of this is over money.

He sighs and runs his hands through his hair and grasps his neck. "I need the ring and the money. If you give me that, I promise you'll never see me again."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I clip, infuriated. "If you need money why didn't you ask your new girlfriend?" I ask and then cut him off before he can answer. "You know what? I don't care. I don't want your rings. I don't want your money or anything to do with you. I'll give you the rings back and you can sell them, wear them, or hell—give them to Piper. I don't give a shit. I want you gone. I never want you to call me, text me, show up at my job, or anything. You'll never have existed except in some horrific memory that I'll do my best to forget." I grab the rings in my hand. "Do we have a deal?"

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