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~Seven years later~

"Okay, you ready?" I ask her with that glint in her eye as she stands there with the timer.

"No cheating this time. I swear," she vows. I glance at Perrie as she smiles.

Yeah, I know that look. She's already scheming.

"Mommy, push the button!" Amelie yells as she starts jumping up and down.

"I thought you were on my side?" I ask the little traitor. She looks up with her big brown eyes and bats her eyelashes quickly. Her dark brown hair is in pigtails that she keeps making slap her in the face when she turns.

"Sowwie, Mum. Mommy said we could have ice cream if she wins. If you win, we have to eat spinach. Yuck!"

Her puppy dog eyes melt me. Damn girls.

I look at my wife who shrugs with a shit-eating grin on her face. I make note to wipe it off later.

"Louisa, whose side are you on?" I ask the other half of the demon spawn. Her blond hair is covering her face as she tries to do the same thing her sister is. She may only be three, but surely she wouldn't leave me for ice cream. She's honorable.

"Mama!" she calls out and puts her hands up.

Or not.

Perrie walks over as we stand in front of the obstacle course in California. "What's the matter, Muffin?" she asks coyly. "You ready to lose to the girls today?"

"My ass, Chicky."

"Butt," she corrects me but lets the nickname slide. I'm sure she'll punish me later—which I might like.

Amelie spins in circles in the sand pit and Louisa runs over to her sister. "They can't hear." I grab her waist and pull her against my side. "Besides," I whisper in her ear and she shivers. "You know I like your ass and I know you like it when I swear. You had no problem telling me to fuck you harder last night."

My dick stirs at the images, how hot she looked when she fell apart in my arms.

"You may want to get yourself ready since I'm about to kick your butt—again."

"Over my dead body." I snake my hand up her back and run my tongue along her neck.

"Girls!" Perrie calls over and they come running.

"Low blow, Perrie."

"No blowing anything, baby. Other than you're about to get blown out of the water," she says as her fine ass starts to walk away.

"I'd rather you blow something else." I give her a knowing look.

Her head whips around and she smirks. "You'll pay for that."

"I'm sure I will."

She knows the three of them rule my world. Louisa looks just like her mother—she's tiny and has the biggest blue eyes I've ever seen. Her pout can melt me, and I'm pretty sure she's figured out all she has to do is turn her lip down and I'll cave. She has the same tiny dimple in her cheek, which is why most people say she's her mother's child. I think it's her feisty attitude and quick wit.

Amelie, on the other hand, is pretty much all me. She's slender and has brown eyes and hair, but has her mother's facial features. I love that I can look at any of them and see Perrie. They ground me and give me a love like I've never known.

Even with Perrie running her own P.R. firm and my traveling, we find a way to make it work. When we fight, we have a lot of fun making up. When I found out Perrie was pregnant, I was obsessive over everything. What she wore, what she ate, if she took her prenatals, doctor's appointments, pretty much everything she did I was on top of. Needless to say, she really hated me by month two, but she understood. With Louisa we were much more relaxed. I actually enjoyed my very horny wife.

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