Chapter 15

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Of all the days to be running late it had to be today. The press launch is in two hours and Taylor is making sure everything is in order before we have to leave. I'm running around the office like a madwoman and she's running out the door to get to Raven to set up.

I continue to check through emails and the seating charts so I know who's who and which companies will give Raven the boost they need.

"Knock, knock." I look up and see one of my bosses standing in the door.

"Mr. Cowell, please come in." This is the absolute last distraction I need this morning.

He smiles and enters, looking around at the controlled chaos that is my office. "The press release for Raven is today, correct?"

I nod and grab the file I had opened and place it in my briefcase. At least today he's seeing me at my best. I have a deep crimson, knee-length dress, my hair has large curls cascading down my back, and my makeup is camera ready. "Yes, sir. We're happy to get this off the ground, and then of course we have the party tonight. Will you be attending?" I ask already knowing he won't be. The partners go away for a sales meeting in Bermuda every year at this time. It's really a huge golf retreat that they write off as a business meeting. I made the mistake of going once and was subjected to driving their drunk asses around in a golf cart for three days. To guarantee that doesn't happen again, I try to book this month with anything I can.

"My flight is tomorrow, but when we return on Friday, the partners would like to meet with you. We've been highly impressed at how you've handled the Raven account. You were able to change the tone of the company in a short amount of time, even with Ms. Thirlwall's near death experience," Mr. Cowell says.

"Thank you, I'm glad everyone is happy." I'm beaming at his praise, and also wondering what this means for the promotion that has been on the table for what seems like forever. Taylor mentioned that Melissa's last account didn't renew their three-month contract and the rumors are she is out of the running.

"If all goes well today, Perrie, I think you'll find yourself sitting in a very lucrative new position." He winks and strides out of the office.

As fantastic as his pep talk might be, I needed that distraction about as much as I need Jade's ten phone calls reminding me of what she wants done. We agreed it is best that in front of the camera, she is commanding and doesn't appear injured. Tonight at the party, she'll be able to blend and it will be much easier for her to remain sitting without anyone noticing.

My phone dings again.

Jade: Are you avoiding me?

Me: No, I'm working. I will call you in the cab so you can micromanage a little more.

Jade: I'm not micromanaging. I'm supervising. From home.

Me: Whatever you need to tell yourself to help you sleep at night.

She's driving me nuts.

Jade: I'd rather help you at night.

I laugh and throw my purse in my bag. Grabbing the files and my speech, I head to Raven for part one of my very long day. Once in the cab, I give her that promised call and allow her to say what she needs so she can relax.

"Hey, baby." Jade's voice sounds strained.

"What are you doing? You sound out of breath."

Jade grunts, "I was just moving something."

"Seriously?" I ask incredulously. Does she think she has some kind of magical healing powers? "You're supposed to be resting, and you have the event tonight."

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