Chapter 27

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On my train ride home, I think more about Taylor's question. I don't regret anything because it's brought me to where I am, but it makes me sad to think I would've given up an opportunity like this for anyone. I don't believe Jade would've asked me to, but I probably would've wanted to stay with her. Which I probably would regret later on and possibly would've resented her instead.

When I get home, Leigh-Anne is sitting on the couch in her pajama pants.

"Aren't we going to dinner?" I ask.


What in the hell?

"Okay? I thought that was our plan."

She shuts the television off and stands with her hands on her hips. "I'm mad at you, Biffle."

"For what?"

This should be good.

"I don't know. I just want to be mad at you!" Leigh-Anne cries out and falls on the couch.

I sit on the couch next to her and lay on her lap. "I'm going to miss you too. This is so hard, Lee Lee. These goodbyes suck."

Leigh-Anne runs her fingers through my hair and her lips purse. "I'm sorry. I know this is hard for you." She puts the mask I know so well up, making sure she protects herself.

After a few moments of silence, Leigh-Anne starts up again, only this time her tone is light and playful. "I've decided what I'm going to do with your room."

"Oh, what did you decide? A pottery room or did you decide to make a home gym that you'll never use?"

The first time we talked about what to do with my room I almost peed myself. She had the most insane ideas, but then again, it's Leigh-Anne. Last we talked she was leaning toward a meditation room.

"Nope, neither. I'm going to make it into a library!"

"I feel as if you want me to react so I'm just going to say ... okay then, to the girl who doesn't read," I say, shaking my head.

"Jealous much?"

I laugh and snuggle into her. "You're nuts but I love you. Tell me why you look like a homeless person instead of dressed to go out?"

She lets out a long sigh and pats my head like a cat. "I want to spend our last night as roomies drinking wine and eating pizza. You know you won't be able to get Jersey pizza in Cali."

I smile and nod, "I know."

"I still can't believe you're leaving. You're lucky I haven't tied you up so you can't go."

"I might like it."

"You probably would, freak."

"You know it."

"What kind of kinky shit did you and Jade do?" she asks laughing and sounding slightly scared.

"She didn't need to tie me up." I look up and wiggle my eyebrows.

Leigh-Anne smiles and swats my ass while laughing. "Yeah, I wouldn't willingly leave that woman's bed either."

I flush thinking of some of the things Jade and I did together. The way her body was made for mine, the way she could drive me to the end with her words alone. She was my other half in every way. I miss her already. Every night since the memorial she's starred in my dreams. My mind drifts to her during the day, and then she haunts me in my sleep. I close my eyes and hold my arms over my chest. One day. One day it won't hurt so much.

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