Chapter 14

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"Jade?" I ask her again. She's staring off and seems lost. Leaning up I touch her face. "You okay?" The concern is evident in my tone.

"Just remembering something that bothered me. I'm fine," she says, trying to dismiss my worry.

"You know you can talk to me, right?"

Jade nods and closes her eyes, "Natalie called yesterday."

And there it is.

"She said you guys talked the other day too, right?"

Since Aaron's passing I've grown close to his wife, Natalie. We spoke once while Jade was in the hospital and since then I speak to her every few days. At first, she didn't want to speak to Jade or Jesy. I understood, considering they were his closest friends, but she said they used the same phrases and it hurt too much. So we talk about life, her pregnancy, and how she wants to go back to work. My heart breaks the most when she tells me about what life is like as a widow and how much she prays this baby will be a boy.

Jade pulls me onto her leg and attempts to get comfortable. "I sent a large check and arranged the plane to pick up her parents to bring them in. I don't want her to have to worry about anything. She's due this week. Jesy has been keeping in touch, but she said she doesn't want to see any of us."

I can't even begin to imagine the pain she's in. Plus, I remember when Zayn's sister was pregnant, she was a mess. Crying over toilet paper commercials and then the next minute she was screaming over the way you buttered toast. I wish there was more that we could do for Natalie, but she refused to do a memorial or anything until after the baby is born. I sit and listen to her as she finally starts to open up about Aaron and his death.

"It should've never happened. I want to do more for her. She shouldn't have to go through this alone. I know some of the military wives down there have brought food and things over. But Jesy should be there with her."

"I know. It was senseless and tragic, but you can't make Natalie want your help." It's unfortunate but true. She needs to be ready, and if being near Jesy or talking to Jade is too hard on her then they need to respect that. "She really does seem to be doing better. At least she's talking to you guys now."

Jade rubs the side of my face and closes her eyes. "I just know if Aaron were here, he'd want us to step up. He'd want us to take care of them. She asked us to arrange everything for him, do a memorial and then a burial. He has a plot in Pennsylvania. Will you be there?"

Without hesitation I respond, "Jade, you don't even have to ask. I promise I'll be there. No matter what."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to ask if I'll stand by you. If you need me, I'm here."

She lies on the blanket and I scoot up so I can curl into her arm. Jade grabs our books and hands them to me, letting me know she's done and needs to stop talking. The struggle is evident and I don't want to push her too far.

We both get lost in other worlds, mine of course is about love, while she reads some suspense novel. But we enjoy the solace and the fact that we're here—together.

After about an hour, Jade starts to get restless and starts shifting and grunting.

"You ready?" I ask, knowing either her pain meds are wearing off or she's asleep.

Jade lifts her head and looks around. "I'm awake," she says, clearly caught napping.

I giggle and start to get up and put our things in the basket.

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