Chapter 29

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My apartment is beautiful, but it feels empty. I feel empty. Around an hour into the flight, the tears stopped and I fell asleep. I was one of those weird girls who smelled her shirt because it made me feel closer to her. When I got off the plane, Alex had scheduled a car service to pick me up. I couldn't help but think if it were Taylor, she would've been there. Tomorrow morning, we have a face-to-face meeting scheduled, so it's not a huge deal.

I walk around and put some things away. Giving myself a moment to absorb my new home, I sit on the couch and take it all in. The furniture is modern and comfortable. Everything screams upscale, from the cherry floors to granite counters. It has exposed wood beams in the vaulted ceilings and the light paint colors make it feel airy. I open up the windows and inhale the salty sea air. The breeze blows and I let the curtains flap as I walk around into the next room.

Entering the master bedroom, my jaw drops. It has two French doors that open onto a deck. I go out there and hold on to the wrought iron railing. The metal is cool even in the warmer temperature. Going back into the room I look at the huge king size bed that sits against the wall. There's a beautiful fireplace tucked in the corner of the room with light-colored stones that stand out against the deep grains of the wood flooring. As much as I want to love it, it could be a cardboard box for all I care.

I try to make myself feel happy. My choices have consequences and moving here means I had to sacrifice my relationship with Jade. I knew this, now I need to dust myself off and live. Tomorrow I meet Alex and we begin getting some staff hired. I need to focus on the task at hand and worry about my lack of a love life later—if that's even possible.

The sun is just now starting to set since I'm three hours behind New York. So while it feels like eleven p.m., it's really only eight here. I see a very early night in my future.

I hop in the shower to wash off the plane and airport smells. When I get out, I throw my hair up in a bun and put on one of Jade's t-shirts I stole. I feel like I ran a marathon. Even with sleeping on the plane, my entire body is worn out.

Closing my eyes, I sink into the plush sofa, wishing I had someone to hold me close. If I try hard enough I can feel her arms wrap around me, blanketing me with her love and protection. Pulling my shirt up I inhale again, wanting to smell her cologne, but already the smell is fading.

My phone lights up and I smile seeing a text from Jade on my screen.

Jade: Did you know a female ferret would die if it goes into heat and doesn't find a someone to satisfy her?

Me: Good thing I'm not a ferret.

Jade: If you need some satisfaction, I'm right here, baby. I'd be on my plane before you finish talking.

Me: I'm not surprised.

Jade: You know I'm happy to be of service. I've been known to be equated to God by someone a few times.

Me: She must've been confusing you with someone else.

Jade: Take it back.

I laugh at the easy banter we have via text message.

Me: Did I bruise your ego?

Jade: I'm going to bruise your ass if you don't take that shit back.

Me: I'm sorry I can't hear you. Reception is really bad here.

Jade: Funny, I'll be sure to hold off your orgasm the next time. Or maybe I won't let you come at all.

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