•12: Ritual•

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I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but someone gently pulled me back to lie down.

"Tae, it's still early. You can go back to sleep."

I slowly squinted trying to see clearer though I already know who it is.

"Are you alright?"

He asked as he brushed my hair. I didn't answer but I turned my head to look at the half naked? man lying next to me.

"Tae, I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean to injure you."

He said sounding so concerned, so caring but my glare didn't budge.

"Stop pretending."

I coldly said and I can see a sly smile forming on his lips.

"You really have the guts Tae. You clearly do not understand your situation. Be thankful that I'm being nice to you."

He said in a serious tone with a warning message in his words.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Thankful? Really Bogum?? I'll be thankful if you let me go."

"Baby boy you know I can't do that."

"Then at least fuck off. Stop always sticking with me. You're fucking disgusting."

I frankly said and turned my back to him but...I may have chosen the wrong words seeing the furious jerk hovering above me now.

"You really have the talent to push me on the edge, do you?"

He said and I can see his eyes glow in crimson red. He looks scary and serious...but, no matter what happens, I'll never regret saying those things, so, I just continued glaring at him.

He harshly grabbed my jaw, his fingers pressing my cheeks.

"You...I hate those eyes. Why? WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE THAT LOOK HUH?! You.are.just.a.fucking.omega. SUBMIT! ALL OF YOU SHOULD SUBMIT TO ME!!"

There it goes. He's bipololar, I think? Well, I just rolled my eyes and said something, taunting him even more.

"Screw you. Fucking psycho."

And that's it! The next thing I saw was my ripped clothes being thrown away. So now I am completely naked underneath a furious half naked psycho.

I was honestly surprised and was momentarily frozen. When I finally snapped out, I turned my head to him and he immediately smashed his lips against mine. I did not respond, then he stopped...but he suddenly continued. His lips went down to my jaw going to my neck and to my collar bones. He kept sucking and biting my flesh, marking me all over. I tried pushing him but I seriously can't win.

I tried my best not to react at all, keeping my straight face, regular breathing and of course, no sound coming from me...but...I flinched as he suddenly sucked, licked and bit my nipple as his free hand fiddled the other.

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