Bring Your Parents to School Day

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"Are you gonna tell everyone about your job? Mommy should have came too to help," Yev said, grinning widely at Mickey.

Mickey looks down at him. "Yevvy, remember? I'm here to tell everyone about my construction job. That's why I brought the blocks so that the kids can build," he explains as he opens the door and Yev walks through.

Yev nods. "Right, I remember now," he says, skipping happily next to Mickey. "I'm just happy you're here!"

Mickey couldn't help but smile down at his son. At first he was nervous that this wouldn't work. That Yev was going to blurt out his real work. But Mickey couldn't say no to his son. He didn't want to admit it, but he always had a soft spot for the kid. They walk into the classroom and Ian greets them. "Morning Yev," Ian says.

"Morning Mr. Gallagher! Look, my dad came today!"

Ian laughs and extends his hand for Mickey. "I can see that. "Good morning, Mr. Milkovich," he says.

"Mickey," he corrects him, shaking Ian's hand.

Ian nods. "Mickey, got it," he says. "Go ahead and sit down by Yev and we'll get things started once everyone gets here, okay?" Ian's eyes linger over Mickey as he turns to sit for slightly longer than he should have. He just felt his eyes keep getting drawn to Mickey, checking out his features. He quickly clears his throat sitting down at his desk. When he looks up he could see Mickey glance away quickly. A small grin spreads across Ian's face. Sure Mickey had a wife and a kid but from the moment he met Mickey, he could tell there was something about him. Something that wasn't what it seemed to be. And maybe, just maybe Ian's instincts were right and he did have a chance with him after all. But of course he couldn't act on his instincts now. He'd have to get Mickey alone. And Ian would die trying.

The bring your parents to work day went rather smoothly if Ian had anything to say about it. That was until Mickey Milkovich went up there. Well, his was the smoothest one but to Ian it was different. Instead of focusing on his job, he was focusing on Mickey. He'd stare at his jaw line and then the hair. God, Ian liked the hair. Just like yesterday, the jet black locks were slicked back with gel, keeping off of his forehead and helping to show off his eyebrows even more. When Mickey went around passing out the blocks for the kids to build with, he had dropped one. It only lasted a mere second or two, but when Mickey bent over, Ian's eyes sneakily followed Mickey down, staring at his ass in the dark jeans.

Ian's cheeks flushed soft pink when Mickey stood back up and looked directly at Ian. Fuck. He had been caught. But Ian tried to play it off. He gave Mickey a friendly smile and a corresponding thumbs up.

"Daddy you're doing really good," Ian heard yevgeny whisper.

Mickey smiles. "Thanks bud," he said. He kisses the top of his head and places the last of the blocks on his desk.

"Okay," he said, walking back to the front of the class. "So obviously, construction is a lot different from building blocks, but I know how much yevgeny loved to play with them and make buildings. So right now, I want all of you to build the biggest building you can!" Mickey said, fake enthusiasm was practically dripping from his mouth. He was good at this by now. Every time Terry would come home, wanting to go to the alibi and take Mickey with him, Mickey would have to fake his excitement the whole time, until Terry finally got too drunk to even realize where he was.

As laughing and falling blocks filled the air, Mickey leaned back against Ian's desk, folding his arms over his chest.

"Well that was successful," Ian said, walking over to him.

Mickey shrugs, barely even acknowledging ian next to him. "Thanks," he mumbles. He wanted nothing more than to just get out of the class. And not just cause he was in a rush or annoyed per-say. He was just mad. Mad that he had to keep fighting this feeling in the pit of his stomach. A feeling to get Ian alone, maybe in a bathroom stall or closet and get down on his knees in front of the other man. It was crazy to think that of yevgeny's teacher, but Mickey couldn't help it. Being raped and then forced to marry svet, hadn't gone along with Terry's plan like he thought it had. Mickey was still 110% gay and into cock.

And right now his gayness was showing, almost through his pants. Ian was close enough that their arms brushed against each other and Mickey immediately took a step away, cursing himself at how easy it was for him to get turned on.

"So, tomorrow we have some of the kids staying after to help make the props for the class play. Will you and Yev be attending?" Ian asks.

"A fucking play?" He asks, looking over at Ian. "No way. Yev's not helping."

"Oh... cause your wife svetlana signed yevgeny up to help," he said, frowning.

Mickey frowns. "She what? Course she fucking did. She always does shit without telling me and then expects me to do it for her." He mumbles, mostly to himself.

Ian felt a small smile creep up. He knew that would be his chance. To find out if Mickey was gay or not and Ian sure as hell wasn't going to waste a perfectly good opportunity. He was going to get Mickey alone and make his move.

Ian laughs. "Well guess I'll see you there then," he says, patting Mickey's back which just caused the man to shrug him away.

Mickey rolls his eyes. "Yeah, whatever. I've got work though so don't think Yev can stay for long," he said. A small part of Mickey wanted him to go to this thing. He'd much rather be here, getting perfectly good eye candy from Ian instead of at home with his bitch of a wife, Svetlana. Soon a small smile appeared on his face, matching Ian's. "Honestly, finger painting some shit sounds better than taking orders at home."

Ian's smile grew and he nodded. "Well I can't wait to finger paint with you, Mickey," Ian said, half joking.

Sorry for taking years to update! But I'm back now and hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you did please like and comment!

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