The Aftermath

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Mickey woke up to the sound of his phone going on and on and on. He groaned and rolled over, picking it up. "The fuck you want?" He mumbles, half asleep.

"Where are you!? I said home by dark. Not home by next day!"

Mickey shoots straight up. "Fuck... fuck I'm, uh, don't worry where I'm at. Comin' home now," he says before hanging up quickly. He looked around and quickly pulled his shirt on as his phone started to ring again.

"Turn that shit offfffff," Ian groans, throwing a pillow at Mickey.

"I have to get the fuck home now. Svet's pissed at me." Mickey, though he wouldn't admit it to anyone, was terrified. He knew he screwed up. He shouldn't have drank so much or even came over to Ian's in the first place. Especially not with Yev. The kid was the kindest, sweetest boy ever, but he could never keep a secret.

"Shit what are you gonna tell her?" Ian asks, sitting up.

Mickey shrugs. "I've got no fucking clue. No mater what I tell her, she's not gonna believe me," he said. He slipped into his boots as his phone started to ring again. "What!?" He yells into it.

"Where the fuck are you?!" Svetlana yells back. "Terry is here. I tell him everything."

"Don't you fuckin' dare. Svetlana I swear to -"

"You won't do shit. You're just little boy who's scared of father," she says, knowing she had the upper hand. And she was right. Mickey wasn't going to do anything to her because it would just look bad on his part. He was about to get his ass kicked and he knew it. Mickey was no match against Svetlana and Terry.

"Just... I'll be home in a few minutes. Don't fucking say a word," he says before hanging up.

Ian stares at him. "You, uh, are you okay?" He asks awkwardly. The answer was no. Ian knew that without even asking. But he felt like there was something else he didn't know. He knew Svetlana would be mad, that was obvious but Mickey seemed on edge about something and he wanted to know what it was.

"Am I okay?" Mickey snorts. "Yeah, I'm fuckin' fantastic."

"That was a dumbass question I know... Do you want Yev to stay here? While you and your wife talk?" Ian asks, wanting to help.

Mickey nods. "Yeah, actually keep him here and call my sister, Mandy," he says. He grabs a pen from the nightstand and writes down her number on a magazine. "There. Now just give her your address and she'll get Yev from you."

Before Ian could answer, Mickey was leaving the room and then the house. His heart was thumping rapidly and he shivered, finally noticing he had forgotten his jacket. Snow fell and landed in his hair as Mickey wrapped his arms around himself in an attempt to warm up. But as of right now, freezing to death on the side walk seemed like a better option then having his ass kicked once again by his father. He was just praying that Svetlana had changed her mind and hadn't told terry yet. Mickey knew it was only a slim chance but he was holding onto any hope that he could get.

He walked up the steps to his house, took in a deep breath and walked in. Terry was on the couch, watching tv and Mickey could already feel Svetlana's eyes on him from the kitchen. She jerked her head towards their bedroom before walking in. Mickey, taking one more glance at Terry, followed her in and shut the door.

"I tell you no boys or I tell Terry and what do you do? You go over to orange boy's house," she says angrily, arms waving around as she talked.

"I didn't go over to Ian's," he whispers harshly. "I went over to Mandy's. Yev is there right now if you want to fuckin' call her."

Svetlana stares at her husband, obviously not believing a single word that was coming out of his mouth. "You lie. I wasn't going to tell terry but now I am. You're pussy afraid of father so maybe this will help you learn," she says before making her way to the door. Mickey grabs her by the arm and holds her tightly.

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