Coming out of the closet

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(Ayeeee so before I start this chapter just wanna warn y'all that there is a sex scene on pages 9-12 in case anyone wants to skip past it. I tried to keep it short for those of you who don't like smut haha)

Mickey would be lying if he said he wasn't excited for tonight. Sure it was just some stupid arts and crafts, but Ian Gallagher was going to be there and that was enough to get Mickey excited. Nothing was going to happen between them, but just the sight of Ian was all Mickey needed. He had been cock blocked for months by Svetlana and his dad. The occasional opportunity he had to sneak out and get in a quick hook up, Mickey would take it, but the second Svet caught wind of that, she threatened to tell Terry about everything. The last thing Mickey wanted was to get the shit beat out of him, especially in front of his son.

"Yevgeny! It's time to go!" He calls.

"You going to be late to crafts," Svetlana scolded.

"Yeah well blame your son. He's slow as shit,"
Mickey mumbled as he tugged on his boots.

"Blame yourself. Home late from work, like everyday," she said.

"Can't help it that I'm the breadwinner in the family. While you're jerking cock for a couple bucks, I'm over here bringing in the money. So shut the fuck up and leave me alone," Mickey said as yevgeny walks in.

"Stop fighting," Yev says. "People who love eachother, aren't supposed to fight."

"Don't worry about us, bud," Mickey says as he zips up Yev's coat. "Now lets get going so we aren't late, okay?"

Yev nods, grinning widely as he pulls his hat onto his head. It was early November, so in Chicago it was already freezing.

"When you get home come to room. No sleeping on couch," Svetlana says. She always tried to pretend that they were a real couple and by law they were, but to Mickey all she was was baggage. Something he couldn't get rid of thanks to his father.

"Yeah, we'll see," he mumbles as he grabs the keys and heads out the door with Yevgeny.

The two of them drive to the school and park. "Are you excited to paint?" Yev asks, smiling.

Mickey nods. "Course I am, bud," he said as he gets Yev out of the car and they walk into the school. It was after hours, so there were janitors cleaning out some of the rooms and the occasional teacher who had nothing better to do than grade the works of elementary school students.

"Hi, Mr. Carlson!" Yev said, waving at one of the janitors.

The janitor looks up and smiles back. "Hey, Yevgeny," he said.

Yev smiles and looks up at Mickey. "That's my friend, Mr. Carlson," he said as they walked into the gym where they were doing the arts and crafts.

"Mr. milkovich, Yev," Ian says happily, walking over to the two. "I'm glad you could make it."

Mickey shrugs. "Yev practically begged me to come here. I couldn't say no to him," he says as Yev runs over to color with the other kids. "What is this play about anyways?" Mickey asks, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"We're reinacting Noah's arc. Yevgeny is going to be playing the lion. He's really excited about it too," Ian says softly, smiling. "You could help me and the other parents. We're coming up with a design for the fliers."

"Why the fuck does it matter what they look like? It's a kindergarten play," Mickey says. He really didn't understand what the big deal was. It wasn't like a broadway play. It was a play being held in the gym of an elementary school. Whenever Mickey was involved in anything as a kid, his father couldn't give less of a shit about it. Never even bother to show up to his little league games unless he was wasted or high. And even then he'd either pick a fight with another parent or pass out on the ground.

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